
I am an American but have lived in the Netherlands for 12 years now. While I understand what you are saying-in restaurants especially it's a big cultural difference. I haven't been to every country in Europe but I have been to a lot. Fast service is considered poor service in Europe(generalization). When I first moved

Thats too bad. i was a girl scout for many many many years(all through high school). I took a lot of crap for it because once you are older than 8 or 9, it's no longer cool. But it taught me so much and gave me tons of opportunities i would have never had otherwise. Also, a great CV/college application filler because

and many people took issue with that(as they should.)

indeed-calling Beyonce the most influential person in the world sounds very very pre-teen to me. Influential-sure. I would even maybe agree most influential celebrity but most influential person in the world? dumb.

ridiculously expensive racist bullshit!

Who thinks 18 year old blonde girls only think of rainbows and butterflys? What a weird thing to say. 13 year old girls like unicorns, but most 18 year olds have outgrown rainbows by the time they hit college!

I didn't have any of that-strange. I had an unmedicated birth too but I ripped, a lot. So immediately after my son came out i was rushed to the operating room for 100+ stitches. I didn't feel any endorphins after he was out-only a mild sense of relief that it was over. But mostly I was just numb. I do remember telling

Not everyone doesn't get an epidural just to prove something(to someone?). There can be some pretty series side effects to epidurals, I know two people who have long term problems directly related to the epidural. And since its not technically necessary-it sort of cost/benefit scenario. With my first one, i didn't

God, its so wasteful, I can't stand it.

shit, now all i want is fruity pebbles

Indeed. I don't agree that what the mom did was okay. I know we all have stories about how we wandered around all the time without supervision. This is different but i am not going to re-hash all the arguements. But whether or not we can agree that what she is did is legal or illegal-it seems really really evident

you have a strange way of not arguing or being judgemental....

Agree. And running around your neighborhood with the rest of the neighborhood kids is much different than being left alone in a public park. We ran around too but someones mom or dad was always around to break up fights, dole out bandaids and give us popsicles.

But not being able to afford child care doesn't mean you get to drop your young child off anywhere you want for the day. It just doesn't. It may be the reason but its not an excuse and its certainly not carte blanche. Many many many jobs pay minimum wage and don't provide daycare. People make it work. Of course the

I would guess, that the stay at home who lets their kid play across the street peeks out the window every so often to check whats happening. She probably also would note another mother(or father, adult etc) that is there and she knows. So another set of eyes on her child. And if somethign would happen, the child in

Actually, I would argue that her pretty blondeness has let her get as far as she has. Ugly people who are difficult aren't tolerated at all.

I saw a documentary recently that said babies hearing is perfect when they are born(or close to it)-much better than other senses. They will never hear that well again in their entire life. I hate judging other mothers because I know how hard it can be sometimes. But yikes...this crosses my line of acceptable

Yeah Empire reference!

good for her. crohn's sucks. I have had it for more than a decade and I have still have days where I dissolve into a self-pitying ball of despair and curse the gods. The disease sucks and the treatments suck more...

I feel about Ann, the way a lot of people feel about Kim K. Stop giving her attention. We all want her to go away. Her stuff is so stupid I can't even muster up anger at it.....its just so irrelavent. And the rest of the world doesn't give a shit whether America considers soccer a real sport.