Right, Rikers does an excellent job REFORMING people.
Right, Rikers does an excellent job REFORMING people.
I am pretty sure it won't. We are all so conditioned to see prisoners as sub humans. The bottom rung of society that deserves(or needs) to beaten, degraded and caged like animals. She will have her 15 minutes but a year from now-a few people might remember her name and how unfairly she was treated but no one will…
oooo....crabby. Sounds like Jessie's Aunt Flo is in town for a visit!
He is on another level.
I really, really, really don't understand how they can justify this in terms of birth control and not vasecctomy's. The pill can be taken for all sorts of reasons and women getting pregnant is arguably harder(at least physcially) than men having unwanted kids. But is a vasectomy ever done for any reason but to stop…
Did your doctor prescribe your booze and fast women? What a stupid argument.
I totally had that too and you shouldn't force the issue because indeed its her body. But not having to think about birth control or (possibly) getting your period is sooo worth it. its weird, uncomfortable, painful for a few minutes and then your done. Maybe some pain the rest of the day but nothing too serious. I…
My salt was too big. This had me actually laughing out loud. My husband did not appreciate this, as we were supposed to be watching a tv show together. This was, hands down, the funniest post I have read by you.
except for all the diseases that have been eradicated after the vaccinations are introduced....
no, definitely not. And if he is married-good chance he will lose his wife too. Bad things sometime happen. I hate how some people say this could never happen to them or he should go to jail....as a mother, I am quite certain that whatever happens to him is nothing compared to the hell in his own mind. Makes me want…
If you can't trust your doctor alone with your kid for a few minutes, why would you trust her to be your doctor at all? Seems a basic level of trust is inherent in the doctor/patient relationship.
she does look amazing. but its a weird juxtaposition. A very very sexy outfit while pushing a stroller. Seems tricky to cart a kid around on your hip with an outfit like that. Mine is 3 and hasn't breastfed for a very long time, but most times when i am carrying him-he insists on sticking his hand down my shirt and…
Looks like a rockin stereo....pretty sure my sister had this one in her room late 80's/early 90's. Maybe its an old picture. Made me laugh, anyway.
for sures...that and tying my hair up in a loose, messy bun. Looks like i barely managed to get out of bed and drag myself to the office.
you honestly don't think the caregivers should be fired after leaving a young child alone, locked in a building all night? As far as mistakes go, that's a pretty big one.
what brand of jeans are you talking about?
annoying:pointing out irrelavent mistakes
I don't think i ever heard Leann speak before, but just from that preview, i already hate her voice. And now I will have Blue in my head all night because thats the only song i know of Leann's,
You are totally right. I often feel that way too, though am not able to articulate quite as well. Manicures are girly and therefore stupid and frivolous. A feminist can't possibly like pink because its the color of patriarchy. And so forth and so on. I have always held to the belief that feminism is simply about…
Since I became a mom, i find a need a large bag and also something that can be crosswise over my shoulder(for when i have carry child, bike, baseball bat, juice etc). Most of the cute styles are either too small for me or dont have the crossbody strap option.