
It is so super frustrating to see comments like Keljohns13's up there with 26 people recommending it, and all the voices speaking out against it down here stuck in the grey. I think it gets people out of the grey if you recommend their comments and follow them, so I am making a point to do that when I see

Read more closely. There is an executive order that prohibits discrimination against federal employees, including contractors, to which we would like Obama to add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories. Executive orders are issues by the executive branch of government, not congress. This is

First of all, us gay folks, including gay activists, are not some monolithic entity. There are plenty of gay activists who are major fundraisers for Obama. Pro tip: When you refer to a group of people repeatedly as "they" you should probably take a deep breath and look to your own prejudices before you post.


Haha I got teased in high school for looking like Kermit when I got enthusiastic about anything. You just made me feel way, way better about that!

Any idea how many times a day I hear "gay" used to mean something stupid or uncool? Even by my coworkers? Who know I'm gay? And most of the time I don't think they even realize they're saying it or that what they are saying makes the conversation a more hostile place for me. The other day I was getting out of my car

I also love your writing and enjoyed this article but felt a pause at this part, and I just want to suggest that there is a lot of racism and homophobia that is equally invisible and insidious and accepted in mainstream culture but that you might not be as attuned to it as you are of the sexist things that go

Agreed. Though, to be fair, he has the same attitude about parenting as she does at that point in the film. He has a bunch of kids and gets to act like he doesn't care about them, and they're his kids. She's just dating a guy who has kids and is shamed endlessly for the same attitude.

I always felt so bad for her, and so angry that the film treats her so callously and seems so intent on vilifying her because she is a woman who is awkward with kids and is not particularly interested in being a parent.

Yeah, I feel like maybe people are coming up with these off-the-wall theories in part because they want so badly for the show to be interesting when it has been incredibly boring all season.

Well, thanks to your recommendation I'll be watching it. That doesn't actually give you someone to talk to about it, since I haven't watched it yet, but ... thanks? :)

Agreed. Gee, it's almost as if we queer folk are not one single political monolith or something. It is so strange to me when some straight folk act as if my sexual orientation is the single defining aspect of my worldview, as if everything else about us somehow becomes unimportant the moment we come out. My high

Really glad that you included women who like women in your question, thank you. When I'm thinking abstractly and generally, I would say I prefer trimmed hair or shaved on my lovers. But realistically, when I'm really in love it doesn't matter. I enjoy her for her choices and develop a sex life that accommodates them.

By "he," I meant Freud, not Irons. In case that wasn't clear.

I realize he was far from perfect as a human being, and his ideas have many flaws. However, he was also pretty forward-thinking on the issue of sexual orientation. Still thinking in ways that today would seem wrongheaded, but his heart is basically completely in the right place on that topic, which I always

No, having heard some of these same (or similar) "facts" parroted at me by everyone from classmates to a boss at one point, keeping me closeted and self-loathing for over a decade, I do not in fact think this is fantastic.

As a gay person, I'd prefer he STFU and stop hurting actual gay people by spreading lies about us that other people use to justify treating us badly. Could we defeat his party a different way than on the backs of bullied gay youth, please?

Good one.

Man, I wish an older lesbian would have recruited me and saved me all that time figuring out how to have sex with other chicks by my damn self. Where is my lesbian mentor, I ask you?!

I saw this image and immediately posted it to facebook saying "don't worry honey, us gay folk have kings, queens, and princesses to spare." There is more royalty at my local gay bar every night than there is in all of Europe.

I know people this happened to. Not all that long ago, either.