Zeek Is A Geek

My *Chevy* Tracker took me across French Creek to Holy Cross City after ripping the beefy-looking iron tow hook off a stuck new S10, my friend Chris’ Cj5’s radiator disintegration and Reynaldo’s HMMVW being too wide to get between a tree and a rock early on. Had to hack saw off the exhaust pipe just above the wheel,

Is that an oil slick? Because it looks like an oil slick.

Looks like a Pinto/Mustang II to me. Seriously, though, could have been a Ford Capri competitor in Europe.

Sure, there were earlier sporty cars. But the MGT series was the first to figure out that someone needed to distill the essence of motoring into something fun—light weight, reasonable power, lively handling, an open roof, great looks and affordability. It’s what we all think when someone says “pre-war sports car".

However, it’s relatively small battery pack only provided around 50 miles of range, which Levatich maintains wouldn’t work – 100 miles is the minimum.

BMW has answered with their tidy parsing of power. 240 in the 128i, 300 in the 135i, a bit more for the m-branded model, bonkers for the M3. They have had this setup since the late 90s, but back then there was a stop over even lower for 180 hp z3s and 325is.

Man, here in Colorado you could pick this up and do proms and booze cruises. This looks really awkward, but the stretch H2s are such a cliché. This thing truly stands out and costs a fraction, and on our great summer evenings with the top down? Sweet!

Awkwardly proportioned four-door 2 Series? AKA “1 Series”?

Easier access to the engine!

Do you snore in space?

Halo lights? With a British car you probably don't want to see what's down there.

Yes! I have been pestering Jalopnik to review this car but was told it was too expensive and no manual. They sell the brown AWD diesel wagon here in the states but with a better motor. Good to hear the transmission is great and you addressed the price (though I could just about cover $37k, they are almost $50k here).

$172 for all 6 ignition coils. A steal compared to a BMW and why, in this case, you should buy American.

If you want to quantify the fleet size and squadron structure of nearly every type of Marine Corps aircraft in service...

When faking a luxury car with a cheap American donor you could do worse. The Pontiac or Sebring is too much for something that’s already a biiiiiig stretch. How might an Eldo have worked?

Should we not be scared of IMS? I was recently looking at buying a car like this ($25k-$28k Boxster) but decided against it due to IMS. Ended up with a 135i instead (it's got it's own potential issues but should not completely destroy the engine if a turbo fails).

This is one of the most Jalop expressions in the English language.

When a wing wasn't enough they were using snowmobile motors to actively suck the cars to the track.

Yeah, a frivolous stat but all these years later a 300 hp twin turbo is still relevant.

I think I would prefer the original motor, and it would be easier to maintain.