
both of which I consider "features" rather then "problems" :)

I played contra... your comment was still pretty gehhhhhhhaaaaayyyyy!

Jerry Brown pretty much told David Siders from the Bee that the old G8, after 100,000 miles, was beat to crap and that "There was a reason Pontiac went out of business."

that hood is from a 82+ Trans Am. the headlights are an obvious mix of Camaro and firebird.

Jesus drove a CTS-V Wagon. FYI.

Speed kills, Guns kill, and global warming is happening. shut up slave, and pay your taxes.


that's what she said.

I know it slides, that is obvious by the photo. but this is a totally missed opportunity for creative engineering.

Okay this is super stupid.

Seriously. hear me out.

Their logo is usually front middle of the car. Their logo is a bunch of circles. they need a hole in the front that is a big circle.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out they should have embedded the charge port in their logo.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.

I'm from America. Whats an Indy?

Then the person who harmed someone gets a book and a train thrown at them. You get freedom or security, but you can not have both. What do you choose?

Looks like the streets have already been cleaned up in New York City, if all they have to do is retroactively enforce traffic laws where there was no victim.

Woha woha woha woha, too much CGI guys.
-Michael Bay

some conservatives voted for Romney. I know some liberals that didn't want Obama but voted for him anyway because of one reason or another.

so I totally agree that conservative is a form of Right Wing, and liberal is a form of left wing. That said, It is inaccurate to think argue with someone about how crap democrats

those are some sexy interiors.

I never used them interchangeably. even in the quote you give "The right" is the "the right" while "they and other conservatives" lists a clear distinction between them, highlighting how:

The Right is usually against all things environMental
Conservatives however are fiscally conservative.

And again, in the context of