Shipping culture is one of the worst and most toxic parts of the primal cesspit that is fandom.
Shipping culture is one of the worst and most toxic parts of the primal cesspit that is fandom.
I just can’t understand fans inability to believe 2 character can just be friends. Like EVERY friendship seems like it MUST be a sexual relationship, it’s just strange, and a little creepy.
Talk about nonsense! It’s a videogame it doesn’t need to tick all the political checkmarks under the sun. You want to ship Sidon with Link? Go right ahead, hell Zelda’s ancestor Rauru is a furry! The game’s story is not going to stop you.
The key to understanding is being a "car guy" AND honest too. Seems like some people don't "get" your comment, whereas it was the only one so far that I liked.
Everyone is ragging on this dude, but I kind of feel like he just accidentally fell asleep on a long, boring drive and didn’t die because the car was driving itself.
I think you will find that if you slow down a little and increase the space in front your visibility will improve.
My advice? Git gud.
Nnoble, did your wife run off with a Cadillac salesman? Your post was about 5% accurate.
So I played PUBG mobile today while on the toilet (where I play most mobile games). Controls are pretty good but I realized how close to PC it was when the person who knocked me t-bagged me for 45 seconds as I bled out. They really captured the experience.
Wasn’t 2011 a pretty massive update for the Charger? All-new styling, available 6.2...yeah, that’s definitely a new model.
The LX cars from 2011 can’t be classified as being from 2006 just because they continued using the platform. A new exterior and interior along with revised engines (other than the 5.7 Hemi), and the release of the 8-speed auto a few years into it (13 for V6 and 14 for V8?) it’s hardly fair to say it hasn’t been…
Remarkably stupid blog post, you’re welcome.
I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.
I have one for a beater. I’ll drive it when I intend to use a valet to park, and if soemone begs me to borrow a car, that is the one that I’ll loan.
Sure it does. I mean, why not? Clinton got off because even though she knew about and broke the law she didn’t mean to. You can’t have it both ways.
@zeeboid: aaaand, the board is still yours, zeeboid. Pick another category.
Your mom.
@Carplanetzøne1 - Cømment. Like. A. Bøss.: Agreed.