@maximum_sarge: I DDig that iDDea
@maximum_sarge: I DDig that iDDea
what are you talking about, how un-like toyota to make a car that breads assholes...
Ah huh...
I've got a sweedish organ for you.....
@phoenix_AE: not running for office, I get that, but as a figure, support for Palin (like obama) is far from apolitical.
@Ash78, ansnarky in the US: COTD: the doctor is IN edition. Or take 48 and call me in the morning edition
260+hp 2.0 turbo with a 6 speed please.
As a general rule... If your getting cash from the govenrment, you shouldn't be doing anything that sways policy or is political. (Same if your a non-prof org)
Reminds me of an iPhone wallpaper I made.
I would rather my elected official drive themselves.
So wait, let me get this straight... Jalopnik says it's GM's fault because someone can break the glass on a car and force the shifter into Neutral?
@ChurchofRealism: +1
@cesariojpn: what is that, chineese anamation?
@Jim-Bob: careful with the word "practicality" when it comes to performance vehicles... because if you want to go there, I can list entire nameplates with less.
ooooh God, good thing I am up on my tetanus shots!
@Elhigh: "baahaaaahaaa" means "no"
Thats enough photoshopping for me for the day. I am satasfied.
This guy... yea, not helping.
@André Xavier: yea, I bet this one corners great.