@Mr.choppers - Delenda Carthago Est: Nope. not wrong at all.
@Justin Hyde: ^Extreme point of view.
I wont work with a tuner unless they call my car a "crewel bitch"
@Rä¢inG73 - ain't nuthin' but a G73 thang: so then the good stuff that happened under Clinton is Regan/Bush1's fault? And getting attacked on 9/11 was Clinton's fault?
@amit916: the GTR has a brown nose
So wait, what’s that you’re saying Jalopnik??? If Government grows and includes more regulation over automobiles, they will be friendlier to us when it comes to increasing the horsepower and decreasing the gas mileage of an automobile?
My Neon says: "Bring It, you fancy Toyota"
@jodark: or a Honda Minivan...
Could have been worse...
@fhrblig: Dad said "Son, your fucking high"
Time is running out! I am Soooo worried my submission was not received... :(
@Alejandro Barrios: ha. Agreed. Alas, This is just a random picture from the interwebs. I am chubbier and yet far sexier than this man... if it were my desk, there would be an Optimus Prime action figure sitting next to my mouse!
I am chewing off my fingertips in anticipation to see if you guys got my article, let alone are gunna post it!
@thedudeabides: I want that pontiac sooo bad.
@Timothy Neill: The price of freedom is not just paid in the blood of people in uniform. Remember that next time you sugguest holding us all down so you can feel better.
Next up, Philip Lane compares a 2010 Cobalt LS to a 1975 A10 Thunderbolt!
@Elhigh: agreed x100. I love compairos like this, they help remind me how much some people have to learn about bias.