@Mr.choppers - Delenda Carthago Est: Nope. not wrong at all.
@Justin Hyde: ^Extreme point of view.
I wont work with a tuner unless they call my car a "crewel bitch"
@Rä¢inG73 - ain't nuthin' but a G73 thang: so then the good stuff that happened under Clinton is Regan/Bush1's fault? And getting attacked on 9/11 was Clinton's fault?
@amit916: the GTR has a brown nose
@jodark: or a Honda Minivan...
@fhrblig: Dad said "Son, your fucking high"
Time is running out! I am Soooo worried my submission was not received... :(
@Alejandro Barrios: ha. Agreed. Alas, This is just a random picture from the interwebs. I am chubbier and yet far sexier than this man... if it were my desk, there would be an Optimus Prime action figure sitting next to my mouse!
@thedudeabides: I want that pontiac sooo bad.
@Timothy Neill: The price of freedom is not just paid in the blood of people in uniform. Remember that next time you sugguest holding us all down so you can feel better.
@Elhigh: agreed x100. I love compairos like this, they help remind me how much some people have to learn about bias.