wait wait wait...
wait wait wait...
@E30fernando: clever!
SOMEONE TURN THIS INTO A VIDEO GAME NOW! Modern Warfare 2 with 20,000 players in New York city sounds like EPIC FTW
@TheAntiCat: Mother of God.
@vwminispeedster, pronounded Si-trow-in: LOL Clever.
American Vehnicle saves baby bear. I bet the bears would have died if the driver had a Toyota.
@BrtStlnd: +1 for logic.
@Jackie: LOFINGL
@Bad Juju and the Axle Tramps: I would have gottone that said "Global Pacifist" but since peace never solved anything, I thouht that would have been pointless.
@leighzbohns: awesome.
@tinkertank: I prefer to think of it as bending over mother nature and giving it to her, bing, bang boom, 3 times right in the... well, you know.
@e30m3: WANT
@theart: "glblwmr" was taken. this was my second choice. Third being: "Falgore"
@Skunky: I HATED that game. HATED!!! with the force of a thousand suns, my hatred still flows for Blastar Master. just seing it makes me want to punch babies!
@BrtStlnd: every other of your comments remind me why you are honored with a Zeeboid Heartclick.