"I Need A LMAO For My Son"
@Tyson: the fastest path between two points is not "around corners"
@zeeboid: I had a WS6 Trans Am at one point too, that was alot of fun, but I thought I'd try the whole Turbo Four-popper thing.
@BrtStlnd: there are alot of photos of my old cavie involved in parking lot revenge. I have indeed upgraded to Neons.
1000 horse power = yawn
@BrtStlnd: Of corse it is. Zuul after all, is the Minion of Gozer: Destroyer of Worlds.
@BrtStlnd: but Zuul here helps me with the gas and brake...
Dan Neil, take your purple shirt and old-lady cardigan and suck my shifter. What, is it too much work for you? Hurt your little girlie arms, you lazy bastard?? If you can't handle the work involved in shifting, buy a TGV ticket and move back to france you lilly livered bagget eating barret wearing peugeot driving…
@CrabSpirits: LOL
@snap_understeer_ftw: Heartclick
Classic hipster. When American automobiles absolutly kick ass in the Interior department, they still can't win.
@Dallifornia: 07/22/10 : " Tell us this. what percentage of America's oil use would be shaved off if all passanger automobiles were replaced with electric?"
@Dallifornia: I got my information from