@IN THE FACE!: they may not have the euro-hipster cred that all the foreign cars get, but so long as you don't give a rat's ass what the guy at StarBucks thinks of you, you can out run his candy ass in your "oooh, its an american car" econo-in-the-face-punch machine.
@Cheeseslap is bombing a dumphole: ha, its just an interweb photo. these two are mine. :D
@Cheeseslap is bombing a dumphole: WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN
@wohho: and those morally bankrupt assholes (I agree with that assessment) wouldn't be giving out loans to peopel who can't pay em back unless... forced to.
@wohho: Banks were already NOT giving out loans to people who couldn't afford them before the CRA.
@wohho: homework for you:
I have attached a picture here of the most awesomest car related thing I have ever seen in my entire life.
28. Over half way there! I need to get rid of this job thing and I'll hit up the rest!
@Sledgecrowbar: I am glad I made someone laugh. Next check out Powerthirst 2!
@stoneflysoldie: +10 & Heartclick.
"They're elsewhere in the world. But here in the land of freedom and opportunity..."
Rain? More like Golden Showers.
@jodark: I love capatalism and the competition it spawns too Jordak.
" cruising at 43 mph "