
Whatever guys. I'd totally rock it.

Better use of your money:

Now playing

As much as I love to agree with everything Jalopnik says, I would argue that there is more then one way to "recycle" an airplane.

I'm sorry, but some of those don't count as boobs.

So, Uh... whatdoyou say we go out after this, and get some drinks and you can help me get out of this suit.

I've never seen a way to Mystic-Prism money out of a Euro-Hypster's wallet quite like this before... this proves to us though that a sucker isn't born every minute, but every 30 seconds.

@badco/LoJ: nope. from my perspective, anything smaller then this is a death trap (yet I willingly drive this as well as a Neon or two), I know you did not mean to bring up subjective qualifications.

1st Gen Neon.

Thinking about it....

@badco/LoJ: "How else would you approach the MPG numbers of a Prius without using some sort of hybrid technology?"

@Buckus: the same can be said for hybrid owners who say their saving the earth.

@Buckus: Automotive Freedom of Choice. Whatever makes you happy is justified.


so that leaves you with thusands in worthless technology and a working gun. at least you can shoot the solar panals when your food goes bad because it is foggy outside.

So wait, it has the same mielage a a cobalt and is slower, seats less, and corners worse for more money?