Is it normal for college ex-athletes to use their college gym... forever?
Is it normal for college ex-athletes to use their college gym... forever?
Absolutely nothing wrong with wearing an argyle sweater vest. Absolutely everything wrong with wearing it over a long-sleeve crew neck Beefy T.
+1 fellas. My mouthfeel so tired from laughing
I guess he thought getting rid of the beard would make him run faster?
Old: Ronal Turbos, BBS 3-piece, Fuchs, Compomotive
It doesn't matter. Anyone who thinks they can taste the difference from a BRINE is lying or has watched too many Chopped marathons
My error on language - I meant a plain chicken breast. I've never tried it on a cutlet, actually.
If you are in a rush or just don't want to be bothered with making a full tub of brine for one chicken breast, a shortcut version is: mustard, sugar, and salt - coat the the cutlet, wait 30-60 minutes, wipe off excess and cook any way you want.
Harvard is the oldest fucking U in America. Sports Jagoffournalists need to use this in their soundbites.
Eh shaddup yeh facking panzi
So, is that his shooting arm or his BOOTLEG?????
I have nothing snappy to say, except that this is exactly what at least a quarter of all eBay buyers are like.
Wow, this redesign is awesome! I read 1/3 as many Deadspin articles as I used to, and have no idea how what's going on on Gawker or Jalopnik (and nothing to remind me of such)! It really saves me a lot of wasted time on Gawker media!
I hate First Take as much as the next pseudo-intellectual but there is no turning back. Think of the economics: 3 salaries for 2.5 hours of every day (4.5 if you count re-cast), and it is near the top of the ratings heap for non-game airtime. Bayless is a heel and he knows it, the more people hate him, the better…
Throw out that bulky ice cream machine! Replace it with our Equally Bulky Ice Cream Bucket Attachment!
There are a shit ton of other reasons besides flavor that people choose Chuppoultaye: consistency from store to store, clean dining areas, clean preparation (the fact that you can see everything assembled is no accident), English-friendly, etc. I can't argue with these reasons.
Each time a person tries to click a button, it adds +/- .1 sec of possible error, presuming the person is experienced. If you hand-time it start and finish, you are looking at +/- .2 seconds error, at minimum.
Best of the best. fukk
She lookin foine
I wonder if any exec level Googlers use this as their main computer? Seems unfathomable.