
I would likely be shopping Aunt Ruth’s bugeye wagon. Not Justin’s rad turbotacular whip

Who here rocked ICQ?

100%. Especially purple minivans and gold corollas.

They’re definitely going for the Gelfling look from The Dark Crystal.

Perhaps the young prince is looking to cuck the old dotard after hearing the stories of how his mother was perved after by the dotard in the distant past?

Even worse is when your child leaves the Camelbak bottle like the one in the illustration with juice or milk in it, because wifey-poo can’t handle the fact that 3-y/o is not getting exactly what he is demanding (hey, guess why he is demanding it?! You caved, he wins, he forces the issue from then on) and he leaves it

My two sons think their dicks are fucking hilarious.


You and I are at odds, Sasquatch Elvis.

I like that thing they did with the roof.

It’s a bicycle lane, but it still seems to be pointed incorrectly given that there’s a bicycle lane on the other side as well. There’s a name on the blue busstop sign, so I looked it up. You can see that trashcatcher properly in streetview 2015 but it seems to have been removed when the streetview car came back in 2016

*accidentally hits rear window wiper control* -”not again....” *heads to David Tracy’s back yard*

A man I know named Fred had one of these after he had cycled thru a MGB (sold because it did not run), Renault LeCar (Left Front Wheel Assembly Fell off), Renault Fuego (Totaled in a three car accident on Lakeshore Drive). Never did find out how it went. I assume badly.

that was the most ominous innocuous thing i’ve ever read

Minivans are just as good driving the kids around as they are driving the babysitter home.