Zak T Duck

@Zak Canard: Oh and if anyone suggests I play Babysitting Mama, I'm not going to be very impressed.

I became an uncle for the second time earlier in the week so I'm going to be over at my little brother's house to meet my new niece. As a result I'll likely be giving the games a miss during the day this weekend. There might be some TF2 time in the evening though but I guess we shall see on that front.

@God Hand BrynnFlynn: Or simply don't tie your credit card info into your kid's phone/iTunes account. If they want to buy games or DLC, let them go to a shop and buy an iTunes gift card out of their own pocket money. They'll quickly learn that even virtual things cost money, and their money at that.

@frankumi: It's more a shop of a possibly suspect physics engine (or lousy driving of a Reliant Robin). I'll try harder next time though.

So that's why the Reliant Robin didn't make it into GT5, the physics engine cannae handle it cap'n.

I found a creature made of poison years ago, but enough about my ex-girlfriend.

Money well spent. What needs to be asked is how much money did Nintendo waste doing the same thing for Dragon Quest IX, starring the Super Saiyan Bros, aka failed X Factor "hopefuls" Jedward.

@Shiruhanta: Yeah it probably is, but Jeremy Clarkson's at the wheel so you never can tell.

It's a pity the Reliant Robin didn't make the cut.

This classic SMS game didn't get boxart when it came out, so I'm correcting that oversight.

Now playing

Hydorah - A proper old school 2d shoot 'em up that's heavily inspired by Gradius.

@imrblankie: Retailers choose not to sell PC games used, that's not the same as being prevented from having the opportunity to sell them if they so wished.

It isn't that Valve/Steam is killing PC gaming market, it's that Steam integrated games are killing the retailer's opportunity to sell the games on again used.

@sharpoid: I'll see that and raise you a Tabula Rasa collector's edition box. I pointed it out to the staff the last time I was in that the game went bump back in early '09, they as good as said they didn't care.

I prefer my 3d viewers to have a retro feel to them.

@Ghinn: Don't let that put you off submitting yours if you haven't done so already.