Zak T Duck

Anachronism atop a skyscraper.

No problems for me, but that's probably because I use a £2 alarm clock I bought from a market stall years ago for my waking up needs instead of a mobile phone. Give me common sense over a fashion item any day.

@The_Foo: Replacing?? Noooooo!

@Dex-Starr: Red Arremer or more commonly known outside of Japan as Firebrand, is the annoying red flying thingy from Ghosts and Goblins.

Tale of Tales are having a very apt Day of the Dead $paywhatyouwant sale on their games. A minimum of $3 will net you The Path, The Graveyard and Fatale.

An opponent so formidable even Creepers light torches to check he's not there.

Maybe it's the cynic in me but based on previous form I read Microsoft "Doubling down" on PC gaming to mean "releasing half the amount previously".

@MrGosukiller: You could say they've hit rock bottom.

Coming soon for the ZX Spectrum, Hispanic Miner

I choose you Brickachu!

@cadeSILVER: If ads like this were featured in either the Academy Awards or the BAFTAs, this would be a shoe-in for the Special Visual Effects award. Man are those visual effects "special".

Need cost effective transport here!

@SonicTHP: It's the anniversary of Super Mario Bros. franchise rather than Mario Bros. the arcade game. That was released back in June 1983, and Donkey Kong was even further back in 1981.

Since he wasn't out kicking ass, Duke restocked his gum supply.

@omicron1: Those prices are still a bit steep, I knew I shouldn't have skimped on the charisma points.

At auction I would expect a weapon of this quality and condition to fetch 99999 Microsoft Points.