
He CAN sell it. They aren’t stopping him from trying to do so. What they did say is that they were going to follow through with the very thing they warned all Cybertruck buyers about before purchase. If they try to flip it, then Tesla won’t sell to them anymore. It’s not like they’re repossessing the truck he bought.

He CAN sell it. Tesla isn’t stopping him from doing so. What they ARE doing is banning him from purchasing another Tesla Cybertruck from Tesla, which is exactly what Tesla told people would happen if they tried to flip their Cybertruck purchases. In other words, they were warned, ignored the warning, and are facing

Wait, what part of the hospital bombing are you saying Israel lied about? I guess we should clarify, which hospital? If you’re referring to Al-Ahli, Israeli leaders said they didn’t do it, and all available evidence not presented by Hamas indicates it was likely a Hamas rocket that caused the explosion.

Even aside from

Agreed. In his recording, it seems to be approximately 20 seconds between him saying that and calling “shots fired.” In hers, it’s 4 seconds.

It does seem odd to disincentivize support roles in a team based game, but then I don’t understand most of the moves Blizzard has made with Overwatch 2. They somehow took a very fun Overwatch game and made it very unappealing to many of its players, removed Overwatch (the way it was) from people’s libraries, then

Yesterday on the ground in Chicago the left wing of a 777 All Nippon Airways plane hit the tail of a 717 Delta Air Lines plane. Not many details yet as to what happened.

Hyperbole, really? The cops didn’t kill this guy. His own stupidity killed him.

I completely agree that police chases are very risky to the public, but I was also taken back by the tone of this article. It started off questionably with “...despite the fact no one should be condemned to death for a traffic violation.

The original news reports the day of said that the plane was undergoing de-icing, but that the engines were not running at the time. The linked NBC article is the first one I’ve seen say the engines were rotating. I did see today they released slightly more information, including that the man lived in Park City, UT

Valid question. I remember when I was younger, long before Google/Apple Maps took over for most people, my family was following paper maps (as that was really the only way to navigate). We followed a road on that official paper map. However, that road was washed out in several places, and we finally came to an end

Even your interpretation of your butchering of the Militia Act is incorrect. The initial Militia Act of 1792 (extended by the Militia Act of 1795) stated that all able-bodied white male citizens 18-45 were required to enroll in the militia, and within 1 year “provide himself with a good musket or firelock... or with a

I question why this man wasn’t convicted of a domestic abuse misdemeanor or one of several felonies prior to the final incident which included the possession charge that led to this case. If that had happened (as it should have, as this man had clearly committed several crimes), then the question of restrictions for

I would say the math on that Reddit trip is highly questionable, even understanding that Teslas frequently recommend 10-20 minute charging stops at a Supercharger rather than even 20 to 80% charging stops (not full 100% charges).

That TikTok video might be right about where his knees are, but they’re incorrect about the anatomy of the leg. The fibula is not the 2nd longest bone in your body, nor your leg. The tibia is. The tibia is also the weight bearing bone of your lower leg, as the fibula is the much smaller bone on the outer/lateral side.

Maybe Hamas could have used their millions to help out some of the people in Gaza?

I’m certainly a combination of at least two, if not three: Dreamer and Worrier firstly, perfectionist last. I have a lot of things I’d like to do, but I also have worries that I won’t be able to do them right, or that they’ll actually be beyond my skills/ability.

And just think, your video was in a city with bike lines on several, if not most, of the major roads. Many cities (mine included) have very few roads with bike lanes, and most of those have absolutely nothing separating the bikes from the vehicles, not even those floppy plastic poles.

No, that was exactly the UAW’s demand - work 32 hours and get paid for 40 hours, plus a minimum 20% raise over current hourly wages. The only justification I’ve seen was that they deserve it because executives have gotten large raises.

“After a captain reviewed the video, well, they were fired the next year.”

Agreed, in the Youtube still Sarah Morgan actually looks good in the AI one. On the other hand, she somehow looks worse in the image below where it shows Original vs AI Generated.