
So, if I played Overwatch 1 prior to June 9, 2021, but stopped playing, I’ll face more scrutiny/privacy invasion if I decide to try out this new version of Overwatch?

You’re the only one that interpreted “go enjoy the outdoors once in a while” to “drive down your driveway.” Why is that? Why are you so anti-truck and SUV that you’ll literally misinterpret what was said in a vain attempt to prove your point?

I’d love for you to list off all of the EVs that are actually off-road capable for those of us not living in the big city who actually want to go enjoy the outdoors once in a while. The Ford Lightning - expensive and barely available. Rivian - more expensive and less available. Cybertruck - nonexistent. Tesla’s SUVs -

Except they weren’t pointing the lighter at the officers. At the time the officer started “blasting,” the two men had turned to go into the home. The officers weren’t even on scene long enough to make any conclusions before they started firing away.

Why shouldn’t they vote according to their beliefs? You vote according to yours, even if yours are based in atheism or agnosticism.

I tried to use Energy Sage. I got one single quote. That installer’s proposal said they’d install 34 panels for 11.4 kW. They set up a call to go over the details. The next day they asked to set up a different time for the call. They then called to say they’d accidentally booked me for calls at both times, and asked

Many insurance companies already don’t pay anything toward the cost of hearing aids. They don’t even offer supplemental (like vision or dental) packages. The audiologist visits and hearing tests are covered, but the aids themselves are not.

Really dude? FIFTEEN miles under?!

It didn’t actually seem like prices were ever in decline, just a slower rate of increase.

Shouldn’t we know what a bill will or won’t require before it’s signed into law, not after? It’s ridiculous that we have so much ambiguity as to what vehicles will qualify between now and the end of the year until Biden signs the bill into law. His signature doesn’t change the text of the bill at all, so why would it

Why do multiple links in this article (including the “Another video...” link) lead to completely unrelated Root articles and not more information about this event?

Not prior to the shooting he didn’t. After the incident, when the police didn’t do their job and arrest Rittenhouse (at least until the investigation starts?), he put the gun in the trunk of his friend’s car and they drove over the border to Rittenhouse’s home.

Wherever you land on this matter (and let’s not beat around the bush: he got away with murder), I’d hope a person’s central thought would be: innocent people died.

...while only equipped with said gun (instead of the first aid he claimed to possess)...

There isn’t a political justification or legal excuse for firing on unarmed people...

Because the big-power option in the Seltos lineup is the Turbo Hybrid, with a 1.6-liter turbocharged four-cylinder and a 1.5-kWh battery, paired with a six-speed dual-clutch transmission

There are already plenty of methods for selling art/assets. I don’t see any clear benefit to using NFTs here.

Ah, so just covering their windshields in paint then? Yeah, that’s smart.

At the beginning of this video, the people (kids?) on the overpass seem to be throwing things at multiple vehicles that did not have flags or decoration on them. They just seemed to be near the vehicles that did.

Tyson shouldn’t have hit him, but your analogy is really stretching.