
Legally carrying firearms is not provocation. The prosecutor in this case tried to claim it was, but open carry is legal. It’s vastly more legal than threatening to kill someone then chasing them down.

There was a world of difference between the Rittenhouse case and Arbery’s killing in Georgia. I hope the verdict comes back guilty on all charges for those accused of killing Arbery, but the right verdict was reached in Rittenhouse’s case. Rittenhouse is an idiot, but he wasn’t a murderer.

Even the prosecution stated Rittenhouse didn’t take the rifle across the border illegally.

You left out a bit. He killed a guy who had threatened to kill him, chased him down, and was grabbing at his gun.

Other people later attacking Rittenhouse might have thought they were stopping a killer, but multiple people chasing him admitted they were doing so based only upon partial information (basically people

I would have said the $2.89M plus whatever interest she ends up paying on the $3M loan, but yeah.

Because they asked why these people couldn’t take 10 minutes every 3 or even 6 months to put out some sort of check-in update to people who literally funded their work?

The developers may be working extremely hard, and not have the time to put out fully polished trailers, articles, previews, etc. all the time. However, that isn’t what people were asking for.

Eh, even for Telsa it’s pretty much a charging wasteland if you need to leave the Interstate system anywhere from eastern Oregon/Washington (or anywhere in NV) all the way to the Mississippi.

The point, however, is that if EV is “the future,” and many states are banning future ICE sales, this has to change. 100 miles can’t be the limit on future travel, or we’ll all become rather (more) boring isolated people.

I think everyone here understood that’s what they intended to say, just that it wasn’t the best way to say it. It wasn’t reading comprehension that was lacking, just writing skill (and editing).

When they talked about length I thought for sure they were going to talk about the size of the bed for sleeping, not the height of the camper walking area.

Kia says that the X-Pro trims have a 1.5-inch increase in ground clearance over the other trims

Maybe my sarcasm meter is broken, but uh, what?

“stat·ute = a written law passed by a legislative body; a rule of an organization or institution”

I now contribute near the maximum amount to my HSA every year. I’ve only spent my maximum out of pocket ($3k) a couple of times, so it’s been building up over the past few years to about $13k now. Of course, I was also contributing to my 401k to receive my full employer match first. I don’t see any reason not to

I was actually really surprised that the multiplayer for a generally single player franchise wasn’t just tacked on, but was actually fun.

That was exactly the game I thought of 30 seconds into this teaser video.

Now I’m curious why the Wiki for Tilapia says “Tilapia is FAKE”

Not that I go to or went to McD’s, but I was one of those “unsalted fries” people. I was supposed to limit my sodium intake for a while due to a health condition. Anything fast food (and most frozen foods) already have a ton of sodium in them, so I had to give up some of my favorite food choices. Unsalted fries (that

This was actually my first thought. I’m surprised they didn’t just put one car in front and the other right behind him. He couldn’t flee (in the vehicle at least) that way.

Drunk driving is bad, but, you know, he had kids in the car, so we just couldn’t stop him. /s