
Actually, from watching the video (I found it on Detroit News before reading the comments here), most of what was said is correct. The camera is pointed at the ground while the van backs up, so whether or not they were trying to block the van in or not is debatable. They weren’t behind the van when the woman rolled up

In San Francisco, protesters tore down a statue of Francis Scott Key because he had owned slaves. They did also tear down Ulysses S. Grant’s statue despite his contributions to ending the Civil War, and supporting the rights of black men to vote because his family had owned slaves.

Why the fuck do you feel the need, while black people are being gunned down by police, to step forward and say “Some police are good people!”. No one is arguing against that, ffs. It’s indicative of where your loyalties lie... you don’t like the way dead black people make you feel, but you don’t want to admit that

There’s a difference between being “with you” and not being “against you,” but nuanced positions are not accepted. What happened to Eric Garner, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor is absolutely despicable.

However, believing that entirely, I can still say there are good cops, and I don’t want to judge all cops based on

“If you’re not vocally with us, you’re against us.”

Is that really where you’re going with this?

Along with affiliate links to buy things off Amazon every day

Along with affiliate links to buy things off Amazon every day

Ah, you’re definitely not racist. Nope, not at all.

Especially when this “article” author doesn’t even pretend to know anything about the sale (when it will be, what will be on sale, what, if any, changes Amazon will be making, etc.). It seems to have just been a clickbait attempt to post their affiliate links for some products.

Especially when this “article” author doesn’t even pretend to know anything about the sale (when it will be, what

I have to agree. It seems odd to redefine “racism” to mean systemic racism, when we already have a term for it (systemic racism, of course). I don’t get changing the idea to say individual racism doesn’t matter, unless that person is from the majority or “in power” race. Systemic racism is OBVIOUSLY a problem, but

Cheapest I see a V10 is the V10 Motorhead for $400. They do have the V8 Animal Pro+ for $300

Cheapest I see a V10 is the V10 Motorhead for $400. They do have the V8 Animal Pro+ for $300

No, and I never said we should get rid of the whole BLM movement, either. Police should wake up and address their “bad apples” (especially because they have structures in place that are supposed to do just that). BLM may not have as much of a formal structure, but there still needs to be effort to at least recognize

The BLM movement’s image has been tarnished over the years in many people’s eyes due to riots and destruction (Ferguson in particular being a sticking point for many) in the midst of BLM protests. Additionally, there are some “bad apples” who have dismissed other actions of police brutality or other racist acts,

Where are you seeing that? The initial articles I saw suggested that, but all of the updated ones I see say he came on the freeway from a ramp that had not yet been blocked off, and was unaware of the freeway closure.

EDIT: I should say, where besides the update here, which conflicts with the article they’re linking

Not true. They’re saying he did NOT drive around any roadblocks, because they hadn’t yet blocked off all of the ramps.

I had no idea who these people are until seeing this article, and what the actual fuck. This asshole specifically searched for a special needs child, promised they’d keep and care for him no matter how bad things got (ignoring the doctor’s advice and warnings that it could be A LOT more than they were ready for)...

You’re lucky. When I lived in a 3rd floor apartment, I was expecting several packages all at once (the company shipped like 6 separate boxes). None of the boxes individually were over about 30 lbs., but were all various sizes (with the heaviest being the largest). The UPS driver knocked on the door empty-handed. I

Mine paid for my car repair...but technically just meant I didn’t have to pull the money from my emergency funds.

I’ll install a Windows update...a few weeks down the line after they’ve figured out how to fix all the problems it causes.