
Yes. I loved Warcraft 1 & 2, Starcraft, & Diablo 1 & 2. I was a bit less enthused with Warcraft 3, but still thought it was very good.

Any games you buy directly from them mean Steam isn’t taking 30%. Even if you buy RDR2 through Steam, their hope is that the next time you buy a Rockstar game, you might just buy it from them instead knowing you’ll have to use their launcher anyway.

I agree with the second half of your comment. I think we should do away with the entire tipping system. At the very least, people should be paid a decent wage, and it should be optional, not expected or mandatory to tip.

So, how did President Obama dedicate funds to the CDC’s gun research if that’s true?

I think you’ve mixed up the 2nd Amendment a bit. It does not say the right of a well-regulated militia shall not be infringed. The version passed by Congress stated “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of the free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”


I’m not sure why you’d ever interpret the 2A as referring to the “Army” having unfettered access, when the text does not say “the right of the Army to keep and bear arms.” The founding fathers were very clear that they intended to allow the people to bear arms.

I currently accrue 20 days of PTO per year (no separate sick time), and have a cap of 480 hours (so 60 days). I try to keep somewhere between 400-460 hours for the same reasons you do. I like to keep it for any big vacations, on the off chance I do actually get sick for more than a day or two, and if I ever leave it’s

I don’t have an EV yet, but that would be my plan. I’d primarily charge at home, and would only need the charging stations during the day when going on longer drives. When I travel 300+ miles for work or to visit family, I’d use a charging station along the way (at least until the range can get me there without that).

Reality is, if you’re failing a background check, or lying on the 4473 form, it should be reported. This article is arguing for more gun laws, when we rarely enforce the gun laws we have. Failed checks, blocked sales, lying on the 4473, and suspected straw buys are rarely prosecuted.

But gun control advocates are innocent, and actually willing to compromise right? That’s why when a citizen asked Illinois state Senator Morrison how a tax on his firearms made them safer, her answer was, “Maybe we’ll just make it a confiscation.”

Epic saying they don’t want to deal with competition is “content curation?” I had no idea “content curation” was supposed to mean demanding at least timed exclusivity. I thought “content curation” was what gamers wanted when we asked Steam to clear out some of the absolute trash items that clutter its store.

I too have enjoyed the game since its launch, but I did understand some of the hate it got. It wasn’t what Sean promised, and especially not what many had come to expect it to be. That didn’t mean it wasn’t enjoyable for many of us, but I’d also agree it wasn’t for everyone.

I liked the Mercenaries games before, so I said, “Oh, cool, let me add that to my list...September 6th, 1 week before Borderlands 3.” Then I see September 10th, then September 17th.

Steam had 15 years to get where they are, yes. They had 15 years to climb to the top, then begin their descent into offering tons of trash, to the point sometimes decent games are overlooked if they’re not AAA budget.

I haven’t had a front plate on my car in Utah for the 8 years I’ve owned it. Last year someone asked me why I didn’t just put the plate on, even if I had to drill holes to do it. I had to look it up because I’d seen at one point a bill was proposed to remove the requirement. Only then did I find out it didn’t pass,

Until step 5 after the hotter air inside has been pushed out, then it says to switch to recirculate.

Sure is. If your account is not linked, when you click Import, it gives you two options: 1) Link Account; and 2) Import File.

Stunts like this one, too? I’m sure Toyota sold a few more trucks because of this. (As an aside, now I really want Randy’s Donuts. They’re in the lot the people filming this were standing).

I actually preferred Salsa (the one that was in the black bag) over Salsa Verde, but I think they quit making that one.

Same for a Nissan Altima. The engine air filter just a few clips, but the cabin air filter they recommend removing the glove box for (though I’ve heard if you’re flexible and have small hands you can get to it without doing that - I know I shouldn’t say this here, but I just pay someone else to do the cabin one).