It probably has more torque than your average truck however - and torque matters more than horsepower in almost every real world instance.
It probably has more torque than your average truck however - and torque matters more than horsepower in almost every real world instance.
Now you just need the HSV body kits fitted and no-one will be complaining it's a plain Jane anymore.
The key things are the swing-arm that the rider chose (most teams travel with about 10 different designs) and the shocks. A good shock tech will rebuild them in an hour and you'd never know they had been rebuilt - since at that level, every thing is carefully calibrated and documented. X valves, Y fluid and Z settings…
You wouldn't actually be that far off the mark. One of Casey Stoners guys when he was with Ducati - was recruited from Ferrari F1.
Remember this series of photos covers 3 different classes of bikes., from about a dozen different manufacturers. One of the reasons for the different positions however, is to keep the exhaust tube lengths even on V configured engines.
There's lots of various reasons why this setup works. Even path lengths is just one of them. Another is that the exhausts can cause a pulse, with pipes exiting side by side - it causes an imbalance of the air flow - resulting in lower top speeds. Aero is everything when you are talking about top speeds of around…
If you've ever wondered what the most overpriced sound system is in the world of automobiles, it's Audi's B & O system in the A6 and A8. There is no way in hell it is worth $6,300.
It's worth noting that thanks to BHP changing their corporate policy on vehicle safety standards - the 70 will soon no longer be a vehicle for sale in Australia.
English lessons from an American comedian? I think not.
It's actually perfectly fine to say "near miss", since it's a contraction of "near by miss" - it's stolen from aviation vernacular.
"Because we haven't lost another plane to terrorists in America since September 11th, 2001, you could argue that the agency has fulfilled a successful mission."
You could also argue that the passive safety measures installed into every commercial aircraft, in the world within 10 weeks of September 11, 2001 - rendered…
You realise no "Dakar" competitor has seen a camel for a few years? Not too many of them in South America. They really should have changed the name when they stopped racing through Africa., but I guess the "Lima to Santiago Rally" doesn't quite have as much cred to it.
$26k for an NSX? If they were that price at home I'd pick one up as a matter of principle....
Looks like the safety cell did it's job. Not sure I'd have wanted to have been in the back seat - as that looks like it took a bit of force - but Fire Fighters will take the roof of a car just to make extraction easier if there is the slightest hint anyone in the car has a neck injury. Being two Police officers…
Russians started doing it so much because, an insurance company there was offering a 30% discount on premiums if you had an approved cam installed. €100 investment to save around €300 a year.... most other companies follow and that's why you have so many Russian Dash Cam videos appearing online.
Please everyone, make all the jokes you like - but would you be joking if the woman about to spend 3 months in hospital while her skin grafts heal, was someone you knew, would you be laughing so much?
Draggin' have been making K-Shirts for years. I have 4 of them.
I'd love to know who was running that certification then. I was failed my first time (I'm not a rig worker - but a government contractor) for not getting out of the upside down heli in 16 seconds.
Turbo's hate altitude.