You can get it liftin’
You can get it liftin’
You took that a little too seriously.
Just do it the Aussie way if- it can off road its a 4x4 (Four by Four), this can be shortened to a “Forbee”.
The first fully charged pull does not matter that much I agree. The issue is that the 5th pull is over 6 seconds on the Tesla and still under 3 on the Porsche. This means that as you go about your day of driving your ability to merge, overtake and calculate distances is different while still being in the same car. I…
If cars did not exist I would STILL support mandatory helmets. I don't see how the existence of cars on the road make being less safe okay?
What is your take on seatbelt laws?
If a person is discouraged from riding due to not wanting to wear a helmet, then that person is an idiot.
Stop with the whatabout-ism. Walkers spend SOME time on the streets, bike riders spend ALL their time on the streets. It’s more dangerous. I’ll agree the infrastructure isn’t the best but OP is right. I can’t tell you how many cyclists just blow through a stop sign or red light like it doesn’t apply to them.
If a bicyclist wants to use public motorways and want to have equal footing in regards to traffic, they should follow all of the similar laws that cars and motorcyclists do. That includes helmet laws, mandatory insurance laws, and just obeying fucking stop signs, right of way, and not acting like the traffic laws…
I’m just going to leave this here but:
Yep, grabbed the clutch once he got his feet under him AND had the presence of mind to look over his shoulder for traffic before surfing across the track. And he is still the second best rider in his family.
I totally get that he’s your son, but if he’s old enough to drive, I bet he’s heard that word before.
“Drink more water, you asshole!”
There’s no Ashley Diffey “Six-speeds, motherfucker!” DLC for Dirt 4, and I’m mad about it.
Going a little fast there, buddy. Where’s the fire? *Points back at police officer’s car.
My understanding - and I’m not a serviceman, but I read a lot of Tom Clancy back int he day - is that many planes have the weight of cannon ammunition more or less ‘built in’ to their aerodynamics, so when the plane is unloaded, the flight balance is off. Because of that, they’re kept loaded most of the time.
... and police can carry a gun in their car - and use physical force to arrest people. They can also drive over the speed limit, and run through red lights.
Hell, there are other people who can drive vehicles over 26,000lbs for business purposes, and even others who can drive vehicles with trailers exceeding 26,00olbs!…
Oh look, the Aussie’s are seizing private property under a falsely perceived notion of increased public safety again.
In surprising news, they’ll do the same if you park where prohibited or overstay your welcome where not prohibited. Even more surprisingly, this is likely to happen to you wherever you live too.