
Some people work outside of an office and it works perfectly for that. I do field database development (using Apple's very own FileMaker, go figure) and I plan to use this to its full capacity when out on a job (mostly multiple active windows at once, etc). It'll be interesting to see how applications handle the

I understand everyone's cynicism and generally negative tone towards iOS6, but I'm still extremely excited for it. It's a massive upgrade, and I can't wait for it. Maps look great. :)

They did show a couple screenshots of Diablo 3 at the keynote today, if I remember correctly.

"Preinstalled Mac OS X and iLife"

That's a step down in terms of design, if that's indeed what it looks like.

You could just go to Sprint for truly unlimited data...

On the plus side, at least he didn't say he had "one million bitches" like this guy would have...

So that about does it... any reason I had to switch from my HD7 back to an Android device is now gone. Thanks Spotify! :)

But does it work for students that get Amazon Prime for free?

I knew it was just a matter of time before the RAZR line was brought back. Bittersweet.

"Could Qwikster Make Mad Bank Selling His Twitter Handle to Netflix?"

One prayer of mine has been answered.

"If you think 9/11 was planned you don't deserve to be an american and ought to be ashamed of yourself."

Amen brother man.

Ahh, the wonderful world of "If you're not with us, you're against us."

Actually, sir, if you're going to bring education into it...

Governor Bush and DICK Cheney are what ruined this country. Nothing Obama does (or anyone else for that matter) will fix their pathetic greed. Educate yourself. [henryrollins.com]

Make a big ol' gold statue out of it and put 'er right in the middle of that there middle east. why? because we're 'mericans, and we put our stuff wherever we damn want. 'merica forever!

Captain Planet, mother fucker!

Profiting off the death of thousands of people on 9/11? Rosenbaum could be Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld.