
I saw this at Urban Outfitters this weekend in case anyone wants to buy it at a brick and mortar.

This was my lifeline... Damned thing only had 128MB of storage, and I think I had a defective unit because it only played songs on shuffle.

Good. I don't want anyone seeing my Solipskier high scores OR my Friends whom I exchange Words with.

"You spent a fortune on an education you could have gotten for $1.50 in late fees at the fucking library."

I don't think you're reading into semantics at all. I do graphic design (specifically logos and branding coincidentally) and you're not wrong.

It looks like something I made in 8th grade shop class.

My real question is how much muffling of sound would one expect from 20 dixie cups filled about 1/3 with beer setting on the top? These are the real questions we need to ask, people.

Now I can see what coasters and flowers everyone will have at their`*-PeRfEcT WeDdInG <3-*`

And it seems that he upgraded his phone mid-Olympics. The earlier shots say iPhone 4 where the newer ones are iPhone 4S.

If you're using an iPhone 4 or 4S, check to make sure you don't have HDR mode on. The iPhone takes excellent photos, but HDR mode doesn't do anything good when the subject moves around.

I can't stand Helvetica or Helvetica Neue anymore... I loved it for a while, but it's boring and old. I really like Avenir, though. I think that would look mighty swell across the entire iOS platform.

That shit Cray.

If they keep this up, neither one of them is invited to my birthday party, that's for damn sure.

This film changed how I felt about a lot of things. I really hadn't put much stock in the politics of the drug trade in Afghanistan or how much the innocent families relied on the drug trade to "survive," if you want to call it that. It definitely provides insight on what our brothers and sisters face daily, but it

Hmm. Two eyes, a nose, mouth and some facial hair. Seems legit.

And I'd also like to add that when reviewing new operating system iterations like this, maybe review them on other hardware other than the newest and greatest. Not everyone owns a retina MacBook Pro. Using a unibody MacBook from early 2011, I will tell you firsthand that Mountain Lion is MUCH faster than Lion or

The fact that they aren't going to steal the "innovation crown" from Microsoft and Windows 8's Metro design isn't a bad thing. If Metro on a personal computer is what will win the "innovation crown," then I'll gladly take OS X and it's second-best design.

Running OS X on a machine not named Apple is almost always going to give you a certain level of instability, regardless of the OS version you choose to operate. I will say, though, that Mountain Lion is leaps and bounds faster and it seems to be much more stable than Lion was. I would highly recommend using 10.8 if

A lot of that depends on hardware, but in the short time I've had with Mountain Lion, I can tell you definitively YES. It runs so much faster than Lion and Snow Leopard for that matter.

I am running one of the bastard children final MacBooks (unibody). It runs a 2.4 GHz C2D and it runs Mountain Lion miles better than Lion. I have 8GB RAM which helps, but Lion ran like a polished turd compared to this. I love it.