
Keep unlimited data and Sprint will see an increase in subscribers for the first time in a long time.

So the iPad turned Windows XP into Android?

About 95% of the general populous only gives a shit about playing games and checking facebook, which is why the iPad is such a big seller. It's not that it does those things better than any other tablet, it's that people already know how to use the OS with little to no prior experience necessary.

Very nice condescending comment, asshole.

Please God, let this mean the end of TouchWiz forever!!

Thoughts and prayers are with these innocent folks. This is awful news.

Did it blow up in her face? I'm pretty sure that kid is having the time of her life right now and you and me are sitting here debating stupid shit on the internet.

That's a pretty cynical opinion to have about someone you don't know. For shame.

Oh, real fast — before all of you start to hammer on about how she made all kinds of money by making a video that she knew would be fodder for insults and obnoxious, I want you to remember that this girl donated all the money from that video/song to the Japan earthquake efforts. So, yeah... she seems like a pretty

She got to be in a Katy Perry video, I don't feel bad one bit. I'd do almost anything to have the opportunity to ogle Katy Perry up close... except pay for tickets to see her show. Screw that.

What if a bar owner decided to stop serving regulars? He or she would go out of business quickly. Samsung wouldn't go kaput, but the board of execs would all be looking for new jobs. I would have to assume that even *if* Samsung COULD do that, a decision that affected the bottom line as much as that would would

Hey Anon, you know who has shadier privacy practices than Facebook? Iran and North Korea. Take on one of those two governments and you'll win a lot of respect. this just makes you look like douches that like to attack citizens — the same citizens you try to "liberate." Well, posting the photos of my dog sleeping all

That definitely is a great function. I wonder if it'll sync between different versions of iWork as well (iOS to OS X Lion, vice versa). If that's the case, then I will certainly pay for it happily. That would be awesome.

Unless Apple is offering some kind of ridiculous security for the iCloud service, I don't see why it's worth paying for 25 GB of storage when I can get the same from SkyDrive and Microsoft for free. I know the size limitations with SkyDrive, but that isn't an issue. Can anyone clarify?

I mean, not to be that guy, but all water is pee water.

The 9900 is the only one I'm even remotely interested in, and it's only because of the absolutely fantastic keyboard. The rest of these new BlackBerry devices look like rerun garbage.

I respect your point, but I present to you this counterpoint. You have no idea what the children that are victimized go through in the short and long term. I do, and although I'm typically not a spiteful fellow, I can tell you that I wished death on the person that inflicted that pain on me for most of my life. It

Please, Gizmodo, pardon my language here. As a victim of child pornography, I want to just say FUCK every last one of these sick pieces of garbage. These wastes of human beings have ruined dozens of children's lives. I hope every single one of them is met with the same pain in prison and none of them deserve to get

THAT is what happens when you don't read the T&C of Apple.