
I still love my Nook color. :)

VIctorious. Someone star him!

You're right it's only 3G. Gizmodo editing has gotten really, really bad lately.

I have a feeling Gadhafi's crazy ass is going to be shut down soon enough. If there's one thing true about the ol' US of A, it's that our military generally scares the shit out of people. Hopefully they can help avoid what will surely be a massacre of people if Gadhafi regains control of everything again.

I know us geeks are going to focus on the little stuff in this deal, but if you step outside your lens for a second, you can really appreciate how nice a gesture this really is. Regardless of who did it first, everyone is doing it and if you have friends, family or loved ones in Japan, there's no doubt that this is a

Jon, I understand your sentiment, but the last time I took my allowance and got an album based on the blind faith, I wound up with one of your band's more recent albums. I won't make that mistake again.

Free Casey!


Oh my god...wow.

I've noticed it too. Typos and errors galore.

I love friendly. I just got it a couple weeks back and I absolutely love it. It's got all the features I want, and facebook chat isn't all that necessary since I use the AIM app for that anyways. Photo surfing could be better, though.

i love how anyone, anywhere that points out the BS of Rush Limbaugh or any of his goons is called a "radical, left-wing operation." Sarah Palin implied similar sentiments about NPR. N-P-Freaking-R.

This is great. Now the advertisement filled Gizmodo loads faster than ever!

Not even Mort Goldman could shoot this wrong. Thug out, bitches!

But Justin Bieber said....

How do you play your games with no arms and no legs? That piece cost you a pretty good little mint.

THe current iOS notification system worked great in 2007, when there was no apps on the damn iPhone. Now that there is, I don't want to be interrupted on every other page of my books because some dipshit can't stop texting me.

I mean, you kind of *did* mention the iPhone first...

Hey, these are a hipster's wet dream! Seriously though, I really like the New York one. I'd be curious to see how it would look with night images tossed in too.

If this is true, GFY Apple. Glad I bought my Macbook recently, it'll last me plenty of time so I won't have to worry about this stupid shit.