
Oh god, this is just what the haters wanted. More fuel for their fire. "Rawr, that movie sucked so hardz. iPadz suck so harderz too!"

Yup. I had little tiny scratches on the back of the first iP4 I had, but thanks to manufacturer defect, I exchanged it for a new one within my 30 day period and got another. It's been running like a champ with no scratching issues whatsoever. Now, I do have a case on it now, but only because I like the case, not


These are great. Now we just need this new 3D fad to catch on.

Why do I feel like this is just the Kin all over again?

This is a great set of photos. I really really like the ship.

Now I just need to find the money to afford to stay at the Plaza for a night.

@Afrobean: The difference is there is actual utility in having color televisions. There is little to no actual use in having a fake 3D image popping out at your screen. There's even less use in it when it costs 2 to 3 times more than standard HD technology. People can't afford it, and it's good they can't because it's


This is amazing news, this man will be happy.

I know the effect is kind of overdone in photography and all that, but I love this video. As for those trashing the process, why don't you do something better. Otherwise, shut up and let this art be what it is.

Those goddamned loggers better leave these people alone. I understand that a certain part of the logging industry will always be necessary, but for christ's sake, I hope they can have the decency to leave these people AND their living habitat alone.

@revdrkevind: Pulse is on iOS too, I don't know why they don't mention that.

i use Pulse on iPhone. :)

All us iOS users want is the sweet new version of Google Maps! That's all!

Ugh. I have this on my iPhone. This is effing stupid. Waste of resource, Google!

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica

So, just so I understand this correctly...