
Shit just got real. Hello Brett Favre v. Paris Hilton sex tape. :)

@Scott Leavenworth: Yep, as much as people hate at&t, a lot of people hate paying ETF's when they don't have to.

Maybe this is Apple's semi-diplomatic way of saying "we can all get along here" while Verizon has a golden opportunity to rake in tons and tons of pissed off at&t customers who love their phone but hate everything it's connected to.

@given: Yeah, that's a fair call and I agree with you. What I prefer to do is take all these automatic settings and layer the results on top of one another. What I mean is I love to take a photo that's been HDR'ed and layer it on top of the same photo that's been put through a cross process on a different app. I like

Man, I'm glad art doesn't have any REAL police. If it did, the world's beautiful creations would have never happened. Is it not true that art can be created by thinking outside the box? And isn't it true that there is no right and wrong way to create art?

What a clever idea. :)

Can yo... ....ear me......ow?

I wonder if this works with deleted messages and stuff. I accidentally erased all my old facebook PM's at one point and I'd love to have them back.

Sounds like a true 'Merican.

Not too shabby. I gotta be honest, I thought the Game Center was a big joke when they first announced it, but now that I've updated to 4.1 and realized a bunch of the games I play already utilize it, it wasn't that big of a deal and it's actually useful. :) Now if only Solipskier, Monopoly, Doodlejump and Robot

either that screen is really small, or this phone is really long.

the overhead on this weed is gonna be so high, no pun intended.

I really am glad ProHDR made this cut, it's a great HDR alternative for those of us that don't have DLSR's.

3D is such a bullshit fad. This is exactly why I expect Lucas to try and capitalize on it...

Is there reviews for Arbor Mist and Franzia? Then I don't fuckin want it.

I wish my new iMac came with OSX 10.4 Tiger too...

WTF, no FireWire?! I like this new unibody design though.

Best of luck to him, sincerely. What's important to know is that this isn't the end of the road for him. He's young and can still find a good career for himself in the NFL. I hope he stays on the straight and narrow regarding his addictions.

Who decided the Stegosaurus didn't count for having a hump?