I prefer Pro HDR, personally. But this is a good substitute built right in.
I prefer Pro HDR, personally. But this is a good substitute built right in.
@jnemesh: From what I understand, I thought they made Skype available via WiFi recently. I could be wrong, but I remember hearing something along those lines.
@Spanone: That's what I meant. I haven't seen that movie in like 5 years.
"I drink my own pee because it's good for you and I like the taste"
@Purdueable: A very good idea.
How much money?! Jesus tap dancing Christ that's a lot of cheese for nothing....
@Sean Netzel: I hate the Raiders with a bloody passion (Broncos fan here), but them drafting McClain this year was a brilliant move. Whether or not he actually does anything is a different story, but he was a damn fine draft pick.
@tastes_like_burning: Al Davis? Is that you?
@Chewblaha: These are facts.
@Lactose_The_Intolerant: hahahahahahahahaha
@Mrugby08: Like everyone else, I think the Kin would have been effective in 2008, not 2010. The smartphone revolution took off much faster than Microsoft expected I think.
If there's one thing I've learned as a business major, it's that 1 billion dollars can be spent very wastefully (Kin) and it can be spent VERY wisely as well. Microsoft knows how to market something well when they put their back into it.
@ValleyBob: That really sucks. This would be one of those really good exceptions that they could tout as a safety-geared decision. That makes those middle aged housewives feel good.
I'd love to see this on the iPhone. Any reason why it's not there currently?
that's gonna piss off the click-wheel enthusiasts...
"He's a good kid"
@Gargus: Reality TV does make people murderers. I've wanted to slit Snooki's throat for at least 6 months now.
@SparklyJesus: Yeah I'm a bit confused at that too...
@TempestXax: You know, it's like when they're down at the 6 yard line and the game's on the line and it's like BOOM! there he goes outta the pocket and then hibbity-gobbituh BOOM! That's what happens when you play to win the game. Too often, it happens that if you score more than the other team, you will be in a…