How could you not be mad at all that yearning he wasn't doing?!
How could you not be mad at all that yearning he wasn't doing?!
Haha. I once went on maybe four or five dates with a guy and I had a feeling he wasn't feeling it though I'd kind of wished he was. He called me up and told me he wasn't into it (oh sorry, what he actually said was "I'm just not yearning for you") and I'm like, Yeah, okay, cool. He's like "What. That's it? That's all…
Wanna know why she was so shocked? Here's my anecdote: I had a similar scenario going on. I went home with a guy, we had some fun, even went on a second date, but after two dates I just wasn't feeling it. I was upfront and honest with him about the fact that I was on okc at the time and meeting other people. I…
Some folks thrive on drama, and seek it everywhere.
Does that make you wonder what kind of responses she usually gets? Add me to the list of women who have said "No thank you/I'm not interested" and gotten verbally abusive backlash.
Yikes. Sounds like the poor woman had some formative experiences with clingly/stalkery dudes.
No mention of Bridget Jone's diary where the guy for some reason takes Bridget back even though by all reasonable standards he would be perfectly justifiable in leaving her sorry ass? It's like the opposite romantic comedy! :3
Trebek: And the category for Final Jeopardy! is "People". And the clue is:
If Breaking Bad has taught us anything, it's that anybody named Skyler is human garbage.
I don't think the word "buff" should ever be used to describe Sklyer.
And, let's not forget, reminded to not play with his toy.
I totally thought he was holding that bowl of apples like Yorick's skull.
This post made me think of this:
I wish Ira Glass would interview the cast of the OC. He was a major fan and hearing his voice ask these questions would be so much more satisfying.
Who knew so many cops were a part of...
This seems like a bad idea.
Married couples that call each other "mother" and "father" gross me the fuck out. Same with "papi" and "mami."
I'm not your father. Don't pretend to me my daughter. That's creepy, gross, and frankly annoying. Talking like a baby is the first step to acting like one.
I can't help it, but grown women with sexy baby voices ... it just bothers me**. I need to remember that I can't tell whether any one woman naturally has a voice like that or if she cultivated it in order to sound cute.
In certain countries, Muslim women, if they’re raped, are killed – it’s their fault.