
As it should be for this is the rise of Edith!

How do you find out if a book has a Fore-Edge Painting without mangling the pages? Is there a designation on the title page or copyright page? I don't want to go around mangling old books if there's a way to tell

I'm still anxiously waiting for Matt Mira's magnum opus The Mira Method

Yeah but haven't you heard? Humans think they aren't a part of nature: that nature is that designated thicket of protected land and not an office park. We seem to think that we live on the Earth but not really a part of it and any impact we have we seem to be surprised by.

On the one hand, we have serious and studios Tenzin, who is mocked by his more freewheeling siblings. But when Kya and Bumi agree to accompany Tenzin to the Air Temples, they're suddenly immersed in a world in which the weight of their brother's Airbender legacy is finally clear.

Oh totally. Kya is a silver fox

This is what I wanted! Thanks, Jesus.

Probably because she writes for Slate.

And has the coolest name. Ever.

To be fair, for every American doing a British accent, there are 5 more British actors playing American

Those eye just scream a lifetime of martinis and blow

And assholes will say: "Jane Addams? Did you know she was a lesbian?" and then not talk about her accomplishments or any other part of her life.

Ugh great this is going to join the "Hall of History Repeated By Assholes" with such gems as :

Or just the idea that death is necessary to the function of life and the recycling of matter. We only think death is bad because we tell ourselves stories that living forever is a virtue

Because even though Malala took a bullet to the neck and fights for social change, she didn't write a pithy song about being a 15-year old heartbroken American teenager.

Spoken like someone who doesn't use their library.

You're right. You should at least be making $60K so your kids can get decent food, medicine, and live in a place adequate for them.

Wait, what?


If I were a foot guy I'd own up to it but I am not thus my confusion