
The truth is somewhere between the crazy alarmists and deniers.

Боже мой!

Don't care much about the pictures this miniature photographer takes with a $400 camera, but the video itself is a nice short documentary, and the train model is AAAAAAWESOME!!

Actually, they don't. Wasn't looking to get into a back-and-forth, just that "probable cause" is a specific term, and does not apply to entering your home. There is a much, much higher standard there than in your car, or on your person. If they have grounds they're coming in anyway, and if they don't, whatever they

The standard for entering a home does not include probable cause. Warrant, invited, chasing a fleeing suspect, or witnessing criminal activity from a place readily accessible to the general public.
That is all.
I appreciate the advice you're giving, but clean that up.

How surprised are you that the countries with the most freedom have the most guns per person and the countries with the fewest freedoms have the fewest?

I was really surprised at how scared I was the first time I was handed a rifle in basic training. Having never touched a firearm in my life prior to that point I had built up a real fear for those inanimate objects. Two deployments later and I am really laughing about it.

Yes and the majority of gun crime is centered in areas of low income, low education, high rates of drug abuse, and on top of that, a correlation with increased crime rates ascribed to individuals raised in single parent households. But yeah, I need to shut up and stick to the issue. Fucking guns, man.

Yet another misunderstood amendment.

Because you literally cannot plead the fifth in her situation.

Q- "How wide do you open your mouth during oral sex?"

A- "I'd say somewhere between kitten and T-Rex.

You can only plead the fifth when you would be at risk of criminal prosecution over what you say. You can't just use it when you don't want to testify.

I think you're touching on some important things here. It wasn't until several months later that she was compeelled to come forward by a friend who threatedned that if she didn't report it the friend would. That doesn't feel right to me.
However, after it was reported and investigated, prosecutors and investigators

China wasn't the one attacked, so why should they be sensitive about it?

I'm off to aquire a number of Japanese kids. Any suggestions?