
Waiting for the stampede of the police, secret service, and bodyguards of the rich and powerful to outfit themselves with them. I'm sure the US Army will want in on the action as well.



You have to say "Shit of Goat" in a heavy russian accent for it to have the full effect. :)

The phrase you are looking for is "shit of goat."

Just to add more to the Fray, in a housemate situation. The housemate can consent to a search of the common area of the home and their personal room, but cannot consent to searches of anyone else's personal space in the house.

Again, it's called the bill of rights not the bill of needs.

A hunter needs a different gun for different types of game (winged vs hooved) and different types of shooting (wooded vs. plains). That's excluding the more exotic game that needs heavy bored rifles above 7.62mm to effectively kill (Elk, Grizzly). A hunter does need different firearms for different applications.

You are citing Michael Moore as an authoritative source? L O L

Or you could just stick with violent crime and murder as guns are the tool not the act. Your home invasion rate is triple ours, along with your violent crime rate. This after adjusting for what is reported as a violent crime. Also keep in mind that the UK reports murders that have resulted in a conviction, whereas the


Ah so you have "flyover provinces" that you can sneer at? Nice to see.

10% of our population spread across a nation ~2/3 the size.

Shotguns, rimfire and hunting rifles. Very restrictive but not absolute.

Please name one other constitutional right which has to show "need"... I'll be waiting right here.

Population of the US: 300,000,000

The Iranians aren't as technically sophisticated as us, but they aren't stupid or inept.

I think it's time to start naming our ships more realistically:
