
Not going to lie- after I watched ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’, while I was processing what I had seen and desperate for any sort of reviewer feedback, I LOVED watching reaction videos on Youtube about the film- seeing other people have the same reactions and meltdowns at the same parts as I had was really

No, people do sometimes agree within a reaction videos, and that’s okay (as long as they also clearly state why)... it’s when a reaction video is literally someone just staring blankly at the screen (like so many Tiktok Duets that are clearly trying to steal views from original creators) where reaction videos are

big pharma won’t allow this to be out in the open... for cheap.

I’m still curious how Google coding to have all Pixels come with a Google search bar embedded in the home screen that both can’t be removed and can’t be changed to another search engine, isn’t a clear case of antitrust violation... Is it because Pixel has such a low market share? Is it because they argue that someone

As a man who is 6'4", I can tell you that cloths shopping becomes a MASSIVE problem... shoes in particular; I’m a size 14, and pretty much any shoe you’re going to find in a store will stop at size 13, so all of my shoe purchases have to be online without being able to try them on, which sucks... but I honestly

Now what about the Google search bar on the home screen of every Pixel? I use DuckDuckGo exclusively for search, but you cannot change the default search on the home screen or even remove it. How is this not worthy of antitrust?

I’ve come to the conclusion that anyone who crows about the benefits of the “free market” is either being disingenuous or a complete moron. It shows a complete lack of understanding for human nature and the desire to tip the scales in any way possible.

The original ending, done right, could work great... In particular, Dany’s heel turn has already been foreshadowed by Jon Connington- he is obsessed with the Battle of the Bells, in which Robert Baratheon hid in a town and managed to escape because Rhaegar refused to simply burn down the town and everyone in it... It

i can’t remember the last time a movie released in March won best picture...

You should include GBC as well in the backward compatible list.

The whole reason ketamine is so revolutionary and effective as an antidepressant is because it greatly increases neuroplasticity; in effect, it allows one to create new neural pathways that would otherwise be unavailable during therapy.

Wow... you mention Aliens, but no love for H.R. Giger’s other monster, Sil from Species? For shame!

Quite honestly, the fact that Samsung phones don’t come with stock Android (and with it, the ability to upgrade OS/get security updates on day 1) completely turned me off their phones... they might have the best damn hardware in the biz, but if I have to deal with their proprietary skins, bloatware, and the constant

This is wildly dystopian, particularly the part where these chatbots try to reel you in and keep you talking (one would assume to glean as much usable personal info from you as possible); thankfully, based on most of the celebrities they’ve chosen to showcase, they appear to be courting a younger demographic that

To be fair, had he taken a bunch of Saudi money in this scam, there’s a good chance he would have never made it to trial alive.

They should have really added them to the mech like how the demon’s skin seems to bleed over into the top of the cockpit... but then they would have probably looked like really weird eyes (which, now that I’ve said that, I can’t unsee from the original demon character model.)

when Marvels was first announced, I had high hopes that Rogue would end up being the villain and usher in the rumored departure of Brie Larson... as well as paving the way for her to have superpowers like the comics. Ah well.

Or, hear me out- how about instead of taxing after $600, we tax ANY profit from scalping tickets at 100% and crush scalping to death? For one thing, scalped tickets aren’t like selling old junk on ebay- scalpers literally have bots to swoop in and grab tickets that they immediately turn around and sell at a profit,

Developers: stop trying to port games to this ancient hardware, it’s not worth the time or effort!

hahahaha your Apple fanboy is showing- Literally every Android device made in the last 5 years uses USB-C... It is WAY cheaper than lightning, and yes, it is available in any gas station. I assume the last time you bothered to look was... 2017? If that?