
Man, you think movies are formulaic now? Just wait until studios realize they can use AI to analyze popular movie scripts then automatically churn out a script that’s juuust different enough not to be sued, followed by having an AI animate it based off tired overused animation styles, using the same generic AI voices

Look at that- it was an app controlled by a foreign superpower that finally put the mirror up to our faces and showed us the ugly truth about the unregulated flow of private data... the question now is, is the US ready and capable of sweeping regulation to stop that flow of data, despite the fact that it would

I think it’s pretty obvious what the answer is... the US’ own surveillance tech accidentally caused the issue. Researchers at University of Michigan have even recreated something similar- they posit that because surveillance equipment gives off ultrasonic signals, when combined, those signals can create audible

Windwaker, to me, felt unfinished... like, they had a plan for at least three temples in place, ran out of time, and just said, “fuck it... cap it at two, and then make them go on a looooong treasure hunt for eight triforce charts THEN AGAIN for eight triforce shards! No one will notice that it’s a massive waste of

Here’s why sharing is good for Netflix, actually:

I have Netflix, and I’m sharing it with my good friend- he, in turn, is sharing his HBO Max with me. Two streaming services for the price of one, we both win; But here’s the thing- I haven’t watched anything on Netflix in months... I rarely ever find anything worthwhile

Honestly, I’d be happy with a course ‘playlist’ mode- All rainbow roads, all in a row? Yes please!

Why is it that Nintendo saw fit to create custom tracks for cities all over the world, but failed to create one for their US headquarters, Seattle? Seriously- call it “Seattle Skids” and make it in the same vein as Neo Bowser City, except more green and lush! Come on Nintendo, make this happen!

I just want the word of the day to be “PZAZZ” (it’s actually in the word list) just to watch to collective meltdown. BWAHAHAHA

Boo. I came here to see how they managed to use a screen like the one in the 3DS to mimic the Virtual Boy in a handheld. That’s the whole point, right?

So I have a retropie with this (and many other beloved arcade beat ‘em ups from the 80s) and one thing I didn’t foresee when I tried this was that after a quick hit of nostalgia, these games get old pretty fast when there is no threat of running out of money; Without that looming permanent ‘game over’ to add some much

There are TONS of how to videos on Yoiutube on how to make your own full size arcade cabinet, including where to get the arcade controls, and how to install the Retropie and monitor. Hell, you might even be able to find scans of the actual Simpsons arcade cabinet graphics that you can decal on the sides for extra

Apple can try to kill Zoom with Facetime, but until they’re serious about creating Windows/Andoid apps for it that are as good as their Apple counterparts, it’s dead in the water.

It is hilarious though that you seem to think a web app will be sufficient for the vast majority of users (and good enough to kill Zoom, a

Also, the show runner is probably keenly aware that Neflix will kill his baby in the crib after three seasons, so it’s better to shoehorn in the Crows NOW just in case they never get a proper series themselves (plus introducing them makes a spinoff much more likely in the first place.) In that context, I think they

Oh that’s definitely how they’ll convince people to upgrade to gen 2 next year.

Wow, you really weren’t paying attention, were you... what they were going to do was bring Alina to the merchant for a million dollar bounty. They talk about that bounty constantly.

I suspected he was evil when he wore all black, controlled what the fold was made of, and was called the darkling... can’t really get more heavy handed than that, without tattooing ‘EVIL’ across his forehead.

I think my absolute favorite part of the ‘making of’ featurette wan’t the VFX... but  the extended “and I killed sparky too!” scene, where you see Katherine Hahn chuck the dead dog and then fondle a bush.

Something about that iPhone promo shot in the header was driving me crazy... and now I know why. Whoever photoshopped it together didn’t think about how reflections work, and continued the circles across a reflective surface that should actually be reflecting them... which gives the illusion of the sides of the phone

I haven’t read it yet, but is the ending that someone spiked the clam chowder with angel dust and everyone ended up tripping balls in the hospital?

...because that’s actually how the shooting of the movie ended.

...or it was removed under duress, and in doing so, they decided to leave it blank specifically to call attention to the fact that they had to do so.