I haven’t read it yet, but is the ending that someone spiked the clam chowder with angel dust and everyone ended up tripping balls in the hospital?
...because that’s actually how the shooting of the movie ended.
I haven’t read it yet, but is the ending that someone spiked the clam chowder with angel dust and everyone ended up tripping balls in the hospital?
...because that’s actually how the shooting of the movie ended.
...or it was removed under duress, and in doing so, they decided to leave it blank specifically to call attention to the fact that they had to do so.
I’m really bummed they biffed it with the art direction this time around. With the original, it really felt like they were trying to bring a storybook to life, making everything very illustrative and true to the style of the concept art from Akihiko Yoshida... but this just looks plastic/chibi and loses a lot of the…
Oh man, so much good quality of life improvements from Bravely Defauly that felt like a “Well yeah, duh!” moment... being able to turn down or off random encounters was one, but also being able to put the battle animations on super fast forward so grinding becomes so much less painful. How did it take so long for…
eh. The entire Republican ethos these days is built around being reactionary to anything the left is angered by; They literally base their entire world view on “owning the libs”, so this sort of backlash is to be expected... but it won’t last long. I guarantee you the backlash sales boost he received won’t make up for…
Oh. I thought she became a stripper (sorry– ‘showgirl’) in Vegas?
When the pandemic hit, I really wanted to get a Ringfit Adventure game for the Switch so I could work out in my apartment... but then the price ballooned to $450 on Amazon from 3rd party sellers (scalpers) and it was sold out everywhere else. Seeing how Amazon encourages scalpers on their platform (same thing with all …
I’m still so bummed Square biffed it with the design of Bravely Default II by not embracing and emulating the beautiful illustrative designs of Akihiko Yoshida in the same way Ni No kuni and Dragon Ball FighterZ did for their prospective artists... Instead, we get bland, plastic looking character designs and a generic…
While el-wire is cool as hell in theory, it’s a bummer that it can’t be powered by watch batteries like led strands can, and instead needs a separate large battery pack (hence why you see wires coming off of all of these masks, rather than being able to discreetly integrate it into the mask itself... On top of that,…
I just had one happen, in fact... 100 hours just gone. So in Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth + on switch, you have your three save files, then directly below them the erase file button. So, say you open the game and accidentally press down, you might not even realize you’re hovering over the erase file button and not…
I always felt like resident evil 4 would make an amazing standalone horror movie (or maybe even trilogy, each movie focusing on the different areas from the game- village/castle/military base); it would need some definite reworking (for instance, there’s no way in hell a single cop would be sent to Spain to rescue the…
FF8 was hot garbage. The junction system, having to farm magic from enemies constantly... just a shockingly bad system all around.
Here’s hoping they do another run with original gameboy case style colors! (haha who am I kidding... the minute that comes out all the scalpers will snap that one up too).
Here’s the thing that kills me- while the reporter is asking her about Herman Cain’s death, she can’t even look him in the eye... because she’s feverishly flipping through her playbook looking for the “If they ask about Herman Cain, say this” page with the included talking points.
(watch, you can see her doing it)…
Having watched it again, I’ll offer up a new theory about the goat- so during the movie, we never actually see the goat go into the cave... It’s present when the cave opens at the beginning of the movie, and we naturally assume it was also in the loop when Sarah uses it as a test subject, but at no time do we see it…
Because in the real world there are trademarks on popular movie properties like Groundhogs Day, and it’s easier to just pretend they don’t exist then pay massive royalties for the ability to include a brief and unnecessary reference.
Yeah that annoyed me too- but ultimately they couldn’t have had the goat just not know them, because how do you even portray that? The other option is that Simmons shows up to the wedding and Nyles... just doesn’t exist anymore?
In Russian Doll, the two leads were intrinsically linked; when one would die, the other would suffer a similar fate; while this movie isn’t explicit about it, the loops starts again for everyone when they fall asleep- so if someone falls asleep (or dies) prematurely, their leap starts sooner than others... This is…
You spelled ‘sworcery' wrong. 😜
You lost me at Interstellar. That movie is beautiful, hot garbage. The litmus test I give people for this movie is, “do your eyes involuntarily roll when I tell you that at one point in the movie Anne Hathaway makes a tearful declaration that love is an artifact of a higher intelligence that transcends dimensions of…