
Speaking of imitating Lincoln, ol’ Abe also had a history of sleeping in bed with dudes... so it looks like Pence will have a great excuse if/when he gets caught doing that too.

The only people who give a shit about this are people like yourself who live “in the city” and feel they have some sort of bragging rights regarding that fact. If you’re getting buthurt because you’re being lumped in with a town 15 miles away, you need to reevaluate your priorities.

“ Local police have no leads at this point, but two theories are being bandied about.”

Theory 1: It’s a serial killer


At the Seattle viewing party tonight Dela explained her thought process- part of it was that she and Trixie had a running joke about writing Ru’s name on the lipstick (so the idea was already there) then she remembered that in episode 2, Thorgy painted her nails with white out... so she quietly asked Thorgy for it

I am not at all surprised by this. In Seattle circles, it’s pretty well known that Dela and Jinkx are very tight and constantly perform together- and I suspect there was a lot of pressure when Jinkx won for Dela to also compete... But that’s just not her. She has her campy schtick and an amazing following in the

I’m mixed on this... on one hand, I could totally see him in a drunken state hitting “home”, getting in the uber, and when the driver asked him if that was correct, him saying, “yeah whatever just go Zzzzzzzzz”.

On the other hand, I’ve actually had Uber glitch out and try and take me to a previous destination instead

Or, to put it another way, Martin is the literary equivalent of the college student who suddenly becomes very concerned about the cleanliness of their dorm room right around finals... he’s so adverse to finishing his project that he’ll take on ANYTHING else as an excuse not to do it.

I can’t even make “finish the damn books already!” comments anymore... I gave up on that years ago when it became crystal clear that Martin doesn’t give a shit about actually finishing it, and the show would finish the story long before the books ever see the light of day; Now, based on how haphazardly dashed together

“The fact that the drug is less than 100 percent effective adds yet another layer to the risk profile”

What disingenuous horseshit. Right up at the top of this article it states exactly how effective it is- 99.998% effective at preventing HIV infection.

Seriously, fuck these assholes.

Who could forget her subtle “Hey Donald, I’m banging this dude” post.

Also some other things to consider:

-heavily restricting Airbnb. Much needed housing is being snapped up by the rich to use as unregulated hotels. Let’s end this.

-Tax the everliving shit out of investment property. There is a HUGE problem on the west coast and other major cities because Chinese investors buy up

He did. It’s right there at the bottom of the picture. “Survey conducted Sept 29-nov 6, 2016" by the Pew Research Center.

Lactose-free milk *is* more expensive, but one of the pluses people usually fail to mention is that due to the lactose-removal process (which includes additional pasteurization) it lasts FOREVER. Instead of 10 days or so, the expiration is well over a month away. If you throw away a lot of unused milk, this could help

I did the 23andMe full report, and honestly? I’ve been wondering for a while if they botched it. While my ancestry seems in line with what I’ve been led to believe my entire life, their tests for generic traits, as far as I can tell, have all been failures- baldness? Shouldn’t have it, but I do. Lactose intolerance?

As a general rule, I don’t trust *anybody* who claims running for 100 miles is “fun”.

I’ve thought about cutting Facebook out of my life for a while now, but I just can’t because of it’s death grip on event invites these days... In fact, I’d really hoped FB would do the same compartmentalization it did to Messager to Events, but they must have realized it would result in a mass Exodus. So I guess my

We should be thanking him for being so brazen as to freely admit to his own greed and poor treatment of his workers... It makes it so much easier when deciding where *NOT* to eat; I feel the same way about those dirtbags that add a $15/minimum wage “fee” on their menus, front and center, as a petty transparent attempt

Some people suffer from the optimistic view that we managed to survive The Great Filter already... when it looks to me like we’re right on schedule to hit it head on.

I learned this lesson the hard way... except it wasn’t my phone alarm, it was as a ringtone. I was using that classic Mario brothers theme as my ringtone for work, and at the time my psycho boss would call me incessantly day and night... which ended up resulting in a sort of pavlovian response, causing a general sense