Normally me too, but something about the transgressiveness of it makes me want it the most at mom and dad's place ...
Normally me too, but something about the transgressiveness of it makes me want it the most at mom and dad's place ...
EV-RY WOMAN'S CRAZY 'BOUT A SHARP-DRESSED M-oh wait, sorry, thought these were some other guys. Nevermind.
*Gasp*, whew, sorry I'm late, I just ran over here: Ahem. Okay, the World Council of Men sent me over with a prepared statement: We at the WCM neither condemn nor condone the recent theft of 'girlie' calendars from the Metro Atlanta Mall. We engage in this colossal act of 'Meh' because the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders…
I believe the official term for it is "Vassar College".
No, that wasn't really a problem either.
It wouldn't be a Douthat column if it didn't involve a paper-doll-chain of word-associated arguments longer than two human arms can hold.
You'd howl 'Objectification!' if this was about women.
I liked the Dickwolves comic.
Kotaku: Review Oceanhorn! I mean, yes, technically it makes no sense for me to be asking for a review of something I've already bought and already decided I like, but, well, I just like sites I read to talk about things I'm familiar with.
I've been told by many friends that they play FPS's and similar to 'unwind'. Watching them, it seems pretty universally not to actually do that—they usually end up madder, more frustrated, more prone to trash-talk and macho-pose. (Although not nearly so much as when they play MOBAs; seriously MOBA games are something…
I dunno. How angry does someone have to be to actually buy and use "God of War"?
Hey Brian: I'm enjoying Tentacle Bento. Yes. It got made. Tens of thousands of copies in circulation. Despite your prudery.
Yeah no: You don't get to sigh and express disdain, Kotaku. When the entire gaming community, led by you, suffers a goddam daylight orgasm when new consoles arrive, featuring more-pornographically-than-ever rendered blood, explosions and guns then no, you don't get to clutch even a single fucking pearl at the idea of…
What about some great titles for the Playbox-X-Station 3? They have a terrific lineup including
Verily. I think it was over on Gameological Society that someone said that maybe Colonial Marine's problems *weren't* just due to developer problems but that the Alien series itself just isn't that rich with ideas. I mean, there's the aliens, there's some humans, and then there's a lot of dark hallways with leaky…
That distant whimper-and-thud you just heard? Nathan Grayson clutching his pearls and fainting. As I write this, a crowd of RPS interns and staffers are gathering around, giving him smelling salts and rubbing his wrists with cool rosewater.
Also, the construction "it's okay if the kid is mature enough" is . . . weird. It's weird insofar as we reflexively link 'maturity' with 'can handle violent images without ill effect'.
But, wait why is this of any concern? I've been assured my many, MANY gamers that violent games have no association—NO ASSOCIATION WHATSOEVER!!1!—with real world violence or misbehavior.
Orc Vengeance. Maybe 95% as good as Diablo for 3 bucks.
Not really understanding the absolutely *reflexive* hostility here and elsewhere to ios gaming. Really not. Let me take it down point by point.