What they should be saying is that there are no ninja games AS REAL as Mini Ninjas.
What they should be saying is that there are no ninja games AS REAL as Mini Ninjas.
I agree totally. An assassin in feudal Japan? We've played that game. All of us. A dozen or a hundred times. Been Done. Done to death, really.
Mmmm, pork-laden cabbage . . .
Oh and something else: It's also worth examining the specific technical, economic, social and, hell, even geographic milieu that video games grew up in. To be a 'hardcore gamer', you need to have:
So Happy Action Theater . . .
Okay, let me try again:
Meh. Comment self-deleted for being off-topic.
1.) I predict a lot of uninformed comments based on half-remembered headlines in this thread.
Favorite Gamecube memory: "Gun", specifically the bit where whiskey works as a healing potion. That's some mighty fine training for adult life right there, that is.
Self-deleted for silly irrelevancy.
Mr. Raines went on to say that he had been privy to secret information, to wit that the new console would:
Probably some concatenation of the uncanny valley (or lack thereof) combined with the generally more-positive feelings our culture has about pandas than about cows but short answer: No. Tauren females never gave me tingly feeling down there.
Thanks, Blizzard, thanks a LOAD: Now, thanks to you, I'm a Furry. Here I was, normal person with normal sexual proclivities, looking at a normal, non-perverty Internet site and then suddenly BAM: I fancy performing sex acts with other people wearing furry costumes while I myself also wear a furry costume.
I remember that from 2E, probably because I skipped right from 2E to 4E (spent the 3E years getting a college education, making myself halfway interesting to women, becoming an adult, etc.).
*All Rangers are double weapons build? Christ. I liked Drizz't as much as any seventeen year old and had my fair share of good Drow, but that is one legacy that needs to be laid to rest.*
You're the first. I've floated ideas like this before (i.e. a $60 FPS where you get one life and if you die, the game ends, erases itself from your console and can never be reinstalled; I call it "Actual Modern Warfare") and gotten some pretty testy responses.
Time for a paper-and-pencil games interlude here: How do I get my fellow PCs to be just a *little* more creative when it comes to picking their race a class?
Totally. They should just make a female lead and be done with it. I don't give a shit about Conan: Drop 'Hyborian Age' and bring on the all-female Red Sonja MMO.
I have a better idea: Since everyone's so hepped on 'realism' and broad choice of weapons these days, how about the counterterrorist forces in a game be permitted to use Predator drones.