Totally. They should just make a female lead and be done with it. I don't give a shit about Conan: Drop 'Hyborian Age' and bring on the all-female Red Sonja MMO.
Totally. They should just make a female lead and be done with it. I don't give a shit about Conan: Drop 'Hyborian Age' and bring on the all-female Red Sonja MMO.
I have a better idea: Since everyone's so hepped on 'realism' and broad choice of weapons these days, how about the counterterrorist forces in a game be permitted to use Predator drones.
Seriously though, there are at least 2 cases where I agree fully with the premise of this article:
*The Most Beautiful, Amazing Thing a Video Game Can Do? Be Really Frickin’ Hard*
It's scarcely more comical than the mechanics of the actual Druid class in 4E.
Yeah? And *I* want to slap similar warnings on Bibles. And have them tattooed on the foreheads of clergymen. So we're all of us creatures of aspiration, aren't we?
Pic 4: Because when you think of rugged adventurer clothing, you think "pumpkin shorts and a giant pink back-bow."
Pic 2: That's a strange, strange image. It's like a fisheye lens or transfocus something-or-other. That or those are the world's largest very small boobs.
It was Dragon Day at Cornell on Friday. A group of students ran through campus. A few of them had their t-shirts off. It was so flat and pathetic because they clearly wanted to be "rowdy" and streak, but were too chickenshit to do so, probably 49% because they've been raised in Dick Cheney's America and 51% because…
Okay then.
What's to stop you doing that? Nothing really. Although I will point out that Mexico is probably not the lawless no-man's-land you may have heard it described as. People get recognized, arrested, and extradited to the states to face mail fraud charges from far shittier places every day.
Interesting idea. That would be the next logical step beyond Xbox Live bans—rather than banning just your console, they ban you personally, based on some unique ID, forever. Like, "That's it: You're done on XBox. Either try our competitor, Playstation, or else find a new pastime."
Yes! That's IT!
Nearly 20-some years ago, there was an NES or perhaps Sega game I vaguely remember. It involved wizards fighting robots. There was one wizard who had a falcon for a pet who would enable you to scout the landscape.
Was posting on the thread about Dragonquest and had my memory jarred about Rogue Galaxy. Although there are some other hot babes in that game, I just remembered clearly that by far the finest female in the game is *the hero's mother*.
I have a complex theory about this: DQ8 was actually a product of Level-5, which was super-sucessful—so much so that it really outshone the soon-thereafter (and execrable) FF12. Heck, DQ8 in the 'States even came out with an FF12 demo disk, which really came across as crappy seconds when compared to DQ8.
How DARE you speak ill of DQ: Rocket Slime, sir!
You've nailed it: Square looks at DragonQuest and thinks, "Hmm, not quite *miserable* enough. A little too . . . um, what's the word? Fun. Yeah that's it: Too fun. Where's the leaden dialog? The plodding plot? The endless recycling of tropes? The androgynous blonde hero? No, sorry, this won't do at all. You guys go…
Lovely. Nice to see Jawas finally getting their moment in the sun (so to speak).
I predict some crafters—particularly needlepoint or weavers—will have an *AWESOME* time cosplaying Journey.