You Mincing Ninny

"Sexual exploitation" means something rather more specific than you have in mind. Like, Did you have sex with a minor? No? Did you take nude photos of them? No. Then you didn't "sexually exploit" anyone.


Would depend on whether the human little person had a magnificent beard or not.

*...can humans and dwarves reproduce?*

*Or they make the story so convoluted that it seems "deep", but it really isn't. The story is not deep when they bash you over the head with a theme (like the Tales series) or when they make a story so complex that it's difficult to understand what's happening and why (Kingdom Hearts series).*

Maybe. You're certainly right about hand-to-hand combat—the Klingons would actively seek it and the Wookiees would then clean their clocks doing it.

So . . . in a fantasy world where dwarves exist, how would they regard humans with growth disorders? And vice versa?

Don't hit me, Ronald!

Dude, satire only works if you at least pretend to a minimal level of familiarity with the substrate material.

Now playing

Oh and let me also take the chance to flog one of my all-time favorite game mechanics: Commandos 2. The frankly *gorgeous* isometric-view stealth-infilitration game would work for *any* genre. Imagine playing a variant of "Assassin's Creed" like worked like this does . . .

Now playing

Yes to MadWorld! And especially YES to FFIX, perhaps the last genuinely, straight-up, no-reservations FUN Final Fantasy game.

Go back. Re-read.

Photo 11: Y'know what, I think the trope of The Badass Hero Crashing In Through a Plate-Glass Window And Landing in A Crouch has officially Gotten Stale.

As I understand it, the original design of those reaper crab-walker thingies (don't know much about Mass Effect lore; haven't played them extensively) was based on these real-world deep-sea isopods that were found attached to an unmanned oil-rig inspection bot.

Can't say I've ever seen that. Most bookstores—*particularly* the ones that sell more-risque material—will put a plain paper cover on the outside of all your purchases at the time of checkout, which prevents anyone from seeing what you're reading (unless they're reading over your shoulder, anyway).

Now playing

*"Has Canada ever had a famous game or game maker?" wrote a 2ch commenter.*

I hate multiplayer anything. I used to have nuance to this—like, "Well, multiplayer XYZ is okay."

* can still choose which path you upgrade your characters on, which weapons to use/upgrade, and other variables.*

I would agree, except that I can't: Journey doesn't allow it between PCs..