Would depend on whether the human little person had a magnificent beard or not.
Would depend on whether the human little person had a magnificent beard or not.
*...can humans and dwarves reproduce?*
*Or they make the story so convoluted that it seems "deep", but it really isn't. The story is not deep when they bash you over the head with a theme (like the Tales series) or when they make a story so complex that it's difficult to understand what's happening and why (Kingdom Hearts series).*
Maybe. You're certainly right about hand-to-hand combat—the Klingons would actively seek it and the Wookiees would then clean their clocks doing it.
So . . . in a fantasy world where dwarves exist, how would they regard humans with growth disorders? And vice versa?
Don't hit me, Ronald!
Dude, satire only works if you at least pretend to a minimal level of familiarity with the substrate material.
Oh and let me also take the chance to flog one of my all-time favorite game mechanics: Commandos 2. The frankly *gorgeous* isometric-view stealth-infilitration game would work for *any* genre. Imagine playing a variant of "Assassin's Creed" like worked like this does . . .
Yes to MadWorld! And especially YES to FFIX, perhaps the last genuinely, straight-up, no-reservations FUN Final Fantasy game.
Go back. Re-read.
Photo 11: Y'know what, I think the trope of The Badass Hero Crashing In Through a Plate-Glass Window And Landing in A Crouch has officially Gotten Stale.
As I understand it, the original design of those reaper crab-walker thingies (don't know much about Mass Effect lore; haven't played them extensively) was based on these real-world deep-sea isopods that were found attached to an unmanned oil-rig inspection bot.
Can't say I've ever seen that. Most bookstores—*particularly* the ones that sell more-risque material—will put a plain paper cover on the outside of all your purchases at the time of checkout, which prevents anyone from seeing what you're reading (unless they're reading over your shoulder, anyway).
*"Has Canada ever had a famous game or game maker?" wrote a 2ch commenter.*
I have no idea what you're talking about.
I hate multiplayer anything. I used to have nuance to this—like, "Well, multiplayer XYZ is okay."
*...you can still choose which path you upgrade your characters on, which weapons to use/upgrade, and other variables.*
I would agree, except that I can't: Journey doesn't allow it between PCs..
I guess.
In junior high, two of my nerdy, unathletic friends and I used to make gym class 5% less hellish for ourselves by repeating this aloud among ourselves before dodgeball began.