The basement reveal happened years ago.
The basement reveal happened years ago.
No. No, it doesn’t. At all. It just means that what she was doing is *less* impressive than if she actually did real burpees.
I hate scalpers so much. I saw a guy who posted about a dozen for sale at once...*last night*. Which means he got them from a store before they went on sale officially. So fucking scummy.
most Magic games are decided by a much smaller number of actually substantive creatures/spells.
Oh, you mean playing Raid creatures before combat? Yeah that would be a misplay. Maybe the player didn’t read what Raid does.
Also, can you link the video with the misplay?
Technically you don’t *have* to rotate cards 90 degrees when tapping them. Plenty of people in paper magic don’t turn them the full 90. In paper magic that’s really annoying, because it can cause confusion as to which cards are tapped and which aren’t. But in digital magic, that’s not a problem. Also, rotating the…
Nope. The competitors start with their hands on two touch sensors on the table. The clock starts automatically when they lift their hands off them, and stop again when they drop the cube and touch the sensors. That’s why you see them slam their hands down when they finish.
That is certainly true.
Les Mis’ live singing is one of its best qualities to me, and many of the people I’ve spoken to about it. You name dropped Crowe there because he was certainly the worst of the bunch, but everyone else did fine and I think it lent more emotion and nuance to the performances.
I think it’s important to note that if a relationship reaches the point where one party is ready for sex, and they come to find out that their partner is not interested in having sex at any point in the near future, the one who wants it is free to make that a deal-breaker and end the relationship amicably - and that’s…
Because a huge chunk of American citizens are even more stupid than he is.
We actually think that the phone is going to deliver a better, more robust execution. In terms of the APIs that we can build into an app, the fact that phones are ubiquitous, the fact that it allows us to do much more rapid improvements and updates to the service, that’s why we think a phone execution—and specifically…
I want to know who the fuck thought anyone was going to buy *food* from the Sharper Image, of all places.
Sigh. You are a colossal moron.
One potential reason for their not including it in the scheduled B&R announcement is that they just released a new set (Amonkhet), and for this they decided to release it early for online play for the first time ever. This gave them 3 days worth of data seeing how the new set impacted Standard, hoping that the new…
Yeah, it was Felidar Guardian.
That’s not true. They banned Smuggler’s Copter, Emrakul, the Promised End, and Reflector Mage in Standard this year.
It’s pretty inexcusable for their internal testing to entirely miss this combo when the two cards were released in the same *block*, and could happen in draft.
Is it really that unbelievable that 3 homeless people could start the fire? I’m not saying they definitely did, but saying you don’t believe it for seemingly no particular reason other than that it theoretically might not have been seems like unnecessarily conspiratorial thinking.