I understood what the OP meant. But thank you for trying to clarify.
I understood what the OP meant. But thank you for trying to clarify.
While the main culprit was Asian-American, the inspiration for the film was from a Vanity Fair article about Alexis Neiers, a white girl.
And VHud is a good actress? HILARIOUS.
That song is crazy hot.
#COTD ! #COTD!!!
THANK YOU. I've been saying this for months.
"Why don't you come up and see me up there sometime!"
Ask and you shall receive!
Some people show earlier than others. I had a friend who was 4 months pregnant at her wedding and you couldn't even tell. I just saw a picture of an acquaintance's wife and she's 2 months along but looks about 5 months along.
Oh my god . . . HE CAN SMILE!
I thought it was "shit tight" as in he's looking good.
He lives in NY now. So maybe that's it.
What was telling about her reaction?
I just gave you a standing O in my office.
She was Mercedes in Count of Monte Cristo!
The ghost storyline was admittedly horrible.
I tip 20% always unless the service was terrible. If that's the case, I tip 15% and usually let them know why the tip is what it is. It seems annoying, but as a former service I know it's not difficult to get a 20% tip out of most tables (some won't tip 20% no matter what you do).
YES. This is key.
The proper response is the toothiest and creepiest smile you can muster.