
So, basically Quiverfull with more elaborate hats?

For a minute there, I thought I was reading another thread about the Duggars. Are all religious extremists the same?

Normal leg-wear (ie, jeans, sweatpants, yoga pants, whatever) is pants. Fancy leg-wear (what you wear on your lower bits when you’re dressed up nice) is slacks. Either can be referred to as ‘trousers’, but only if you’re an asshole.

In my mind Katharine Hepburn wore slacks, Audrey Hepburn wore trousers, and the rest of us mere mortals are stuck in pants.

I have a dear friend from early childhood in liberal San Francisco who went to UC Santa Cruz, is well educated and comes from a well-educated liberal Jewish family. For reasons I don’t know and will never understand, she has become ultra-Orthodox, married an ultra-Orthodox man, moved to an ultra-Orthodox enclave in

No the world outside of America isn’t real so that’s not possible

The not working thing is even more staggering. Apparently Haredi men have an unemployment rate around 60%, and a lot of that is by choice. They are supporting families that average 8 children entirely on the backs of populations they want to oppress.

I’ll provide you a list as soon as I finish ironing my dungarees.

And there’s the whole rape/molestation cover-up thing too

see also: “slacks”

who the fuck even uses the word trousers anymore

As a Jew: Fuck these Jews. They are the reason Israel will cease to exist — unsurprisingly, since they were trying to kill the state from the start. I’ve begun to be much louder about the cancer they are in the Jewish community, which makes me unpopular, because guilty nonobservant Jews think they solve some kind of

... but... how do they pay for things?

a large percentage of the ultra-Orthodox population in Israel do not work and do not join the army

Not how it works brother

Can a Torontonian with some time and knowledge fill in a few readers on why this is especially heinous, now and in this city, in terms of rape culture? The ongoing trial of Jian Ghomeshi for assaulting women across Toronto? Maybe a list of missing and murdered aboriginal women that’s being ignored by the government?

Of course that fucker brags about raping women.

I could have sworn this was an episode of “Parks and Recreation”. It *should* have been an episode of “Parks and Recreation”.