
Since all the dinosaurs are female and they talk to one another, presumably about anything other than men, would that mean that Jurassic Park has the highest score on the Bedchel Test?

The worst thing I EVER heard was my cousin’s wife saying “I really wanted to name our son ‘Bruce’, but now I can’t”
“Why not?”
“Because he’s becoming a woman; I don’t want to taint my child’s name by calling him ‘Bruce’”

FUCK YES. I am totally a pleaser but I've had partners who would try to take advantage of that. No, buddy. Test me and see how quickly those enthusiastic blowies well as my vagina.

Right before she starts dragging her uterus across the carpet.

Why can’t they do something with their hair? Does Christ not like a nice tease & spray or a blow dry?

It looks like her facial muscles are getting a little tired of holding that expression.

Is this supposed to be some sort of adoring gaze? My dog looks at me like this when I put him in the bathtub.

“I demand that I climax,” Minaj said simply. “I think women should demand that.”

Or to dress anyone. It's a hideous outfit.

This is scientific evidence of Kanye’s inability to dress women with curves

Suck it Iggy.

I pretended to be straight for 20 years. Does that count?

Right? I feel like Swifty is hanging out all

Yeah, I’m not sure how enlisting a 37 year old man to kiss and tell on a girl he dated when she was 18 is a power move for Katy. They are both just gross here! Any Bad Blood video empathy I felt for her is turning more and more into schadenfreude.

Taylor >>>>>> Katy

Katy. Honey.

He’s just a curious man here to call women intellectually lazy if they still read fashion magazines

like no matter how firm an answer you get to that question, who cares and what will that opinion do to anyone? nothing

i think that question in itself is a dead end and a huge distraction from abortion rights, subsidized daycare, racism in criminal justice and maternity leave