
Thanks for reminding me that it exists. It's fascinating and powerful! It's why I don't weigh myself anymore.

As my crusty, practical, not-usually sympathetic MIL said to me: "Ehhh, you'll shake it off."

Trust, my boobs were the only thing normal on me for my pregnancy. They didn't puff up, my nipples didn't enlarge or darken. They just stayed my boobs. However, once my daughter was born and we really got the hang of nursing, I noticed the changes — hello, square boobs! Wow, look at my silly putty nipples!

GENERAL NOTE: Anti-Fit Mom is different than Anti-fit mom. Fit Mom is a woman who went around bodyshaming other mothers with her muscle-building story. This woman clearly devotes a lot to fitness (not the mom featured in the article obviously since she was a fitness model), but realized she could embrace her

I wish there was a more realistic expectation about postnatal bodies. They get soft and there are stretch marks, and things sag that didn't sag before. Breastfeeding can do a number on boobs. Fat shifts around, and all of the prepregnancy clothes don't fit well anymore, even if the mother in question is several pounds

I discovered this website from Jezebel some time ago. You type in your height/weight/age and some other variables and it shows pictures of women who have those same stats. It's amazing how many different body types there really are! As someone who's fought years of body dysmorphia I can't recommend it enough.

Some people are coming down on this because they think its anti-fitness. That's not what she is saying. She said she's not willing to go to drastic length, i.e. surgery, as well as the extremely demanding lifestyle required to maintain the bodybuilding physique. Being happy with the body which has taken on different

Here's what I take away from this: give yourself a freakin' break. Especially when you're pregnant. After one kid and twenty more years down the road, I don't look like I did when I was 20, and it's okay! I try to eat right, get some exercise, etc., but time marches on. Let's get the fuck over it and be nice to

"I don't like the way this woman looks, therefore she clearly doesn't put any effort into her appearance!"

Opting not to have cosmetic surgery is not called "letting yourself go."

She's not an "Anti-Fit" Mom, she's an Anti-"Fit Mom." Also, people who say "just sayin'" should be stoned.

The comments:

Sexually objectifying and commodifying yourself the the point where you willfully enter a contest in which you prance around on stage and men judge the attractiveness of your body in a bikini and high heels = bad

I take it you didn't actually watch the video...

Some of these people you are condensing in the last statement ARE putting effort into their appearance and not getting the results that others do, like Fit Mom or whatever her name is. If you want to work out, eat well, take care of your health, great! Everyone should strive to do that. But not everyone will get a six

Thank you x1 million for this, Phoenix. Its been a rough few months for me - despite my efforts, I have gained a fair amount of weight so far in this, my first pregnancy. All the body acceptance I thought I had went out the window as my body has become almost unrecognizable. I quit running at the beginning of this

"Got it"

Brumfitt considered getting a tummy tuck and a boob job, until she asked herself how she could teach her daughter to love her own body if Brumfitt couldn't love her own.

I wish stories like this would get national attention. How can we, as parents or members of society sit here and think "jeeze bullying is so awful and mean where do kids get it?" when adults who are supposed to be responsible care-givers do the same thing. Sure, "chubby wubby" isn't as bad as other things like