
Man. I'm not even a Courtney Love fan and I don't get the "Courtney killed Kurt" bullshit.

Optimistic thought: this is an argument that true altruism exists.

Especially when he's all like "no, that's not how it's diagnosed" to a bunch of women who have actually been diagnosed and all have pretty much the same story of ultrasounds and laps etc. GET A CLUE BUDDY. lol

Probably it's time to start up again.

I'm so sorry you went through all that. I'm lucky in that my symptoms are limited to very painful periods, just the first day or two. But still, my pain started at age 24 and I was not officially diagnosed until I was 44. TWENTY YEARS. All that time it was just "take naproxen for cramps". It wasn't until I had


My coworker just gave me a silver eyeliner she got in her Birchbox she didn't want (she is brunette with dark features and said she thought it would look better on a blonde). I am pretty excited.

Man-repelling makeup FTW. I repelled so many dudes in college with my blue mascara... and I also made a ton of fantastic gay friends with it. Double win.

We are of one mind.

Purple nail polish and turquoise eyeliner are the best. I wore metallic turquoise eyeliner just yesterday.

Can we file this one away with the Great Pubic Hair Debate? As in, let's stop talking about it. I know men don't understand my turquoise eyeliner, OK? I've known ever since that survey in Seventeen magazine nearly two decades ago that told me that guys don't "understand" purple nail polish. I'm wearing purple nail

I've noticed that this same mindset permeates all the "job creators," and may (? I've got no data, just observation) be why minimum wage is so fucking low. The US almost seems to act like wages are like a kid's allowance that corporations "give" to their workers, rather than pay for a job.

I'm not ignoring it, actually since I'm black and can't have a week in my life without someone reminding me that I'm worthless, I actually don't have the luxury to ignore it.

Would you not identify Donald Trump's career as "real estate mogul?" Honestly, I think that most people would call this Sterling's career. It's cool if you disagree with that wording, but to jump then to the conclusion that the writer doesn't know sports? And not just that but the juvenile "girls don't know sports!"

I dated one of them too. He left me for a blonde chick thank God. I was his friend for a while until I couldn't take anymore bigotry. He said he dated me because I was "different" and "not like other black girls". When I asked for more specifics it was in the realm of "you work out everyday, your hair is soft, you're

What this is about is sexism/racism or rexism for short.

(almost) Everyone has a price.

Then you are Part of the Problem™.

no, saying mean things about Magic Johnson is pretty low on the scale of things this guy has done.

Yup. I dated a white guy years ago and when we split up he called me the n-word to mutual friends.