
Very true. Though I think some people are undateable as they are right now, but what they need to do about it is not hire a bloody author to write an online dating profile and send messages for them, it's work on improving themselves. As soon as the first date (if they even get any) rolls around, their social

Some people are undateable though. No amount of self improvement will fix some people and they unfortunately doomed to perpetual loneliness. The idea that everyone finds love and romance is bullshit. To all of you untouchables out there, just accept it and find real happiness.

Maybe you hate the dudes who you hear this shit from more than you hate hearing fuck all the time. Cause they sound pretty terrible.

I have an excellent vocabulary, and I cuss like a sailor when it suits me. Interestingly enough, I've never met anyone who doesn't cuss who I've found to be the least bit interesting (with the exception of my mother, but she's schizophrenic, so of course she's interesting.) There's something about a person who

I have a rather extensive vocabulary and I still curse a lot. I also refrain from policing the words others use, because we all know that doing that kind of shit can be a form of classism and racism...

How are your feelings on variation? Like if I'm cursing at least every sentence, but substitute shit, bitch, cunt, bastard, etc for fuck, is that still boring? Of course, I sound like I have the worst form of Tourette's, but as long as it's not boring...

"What the mom ate during pregnancy doesn't usually effect the baby's size much"


That's hardly what I meant. I meant we shouldn't celebrate the fact that this baby is unhealthy. Would they do an article on the smallest baby ever born at MGH?

The plural of anecdote is not data. Just because you had an easy experience does not mean that it is typical. Statistically, the risks are much lower and the recovery time much shorter for vaginal birth.

Well, since I've had both, can I comment?

My mom did both - I was C-section and my sister was vaginal. She said they both suck in different ways, but that the recovery from a section is longer and more frustrating.

New parents are genetically programmed to say idiotic things.

The Boston Globe story linked in the article has a photo which, if you saw it, would reduce your surprise at the headline by about 60%.

Am I the only one who thinks this is not something to be celebrated? The parents are unhealthily large (photo in Boston Globe), and that baby is not a normal weight. I get the Dad's making light of his size, but the child is born behind the 8 ball. And obesity is a problem, not a joke.

I have searched my entire apartment and cannot, for the life of me, find any shits to give for this woman. I did find an eye roll or two. When you get a chance to speak in the limelight, you lead with juicy details and lead up to something big and satisfying. So far, this woman has given us stripes n' plaid, creepy

I believe that was even an "Oprah's Book Club" selection.

Does this woman have any idea what's about to come her way?

None of this is even remotely juicy. Where are the allegations that Oprah is a lizard person? That she owns thousands of Oompa Loompas and grinds them up for her cocker spaniel? That she is the true head of the Zeta cartel? C'mon, this is amateur hour.

Toni Morrison's "The Bluest Eye" is one of my favorite books, and it was the first book that (pardon the pun) enlightened me in articulating colorist (as a medium-skinned black male child, I had never experienced it directly...but I had probably cruelly mocked those darker than I was. The book made me stop it.)